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    ☆quiet follow Yell with Emoji 💖 👍 🎉 😍
    POIPOI 15


    ☆quiet follow

    This novel was written by my friend, Reiko.
    I'm posting the novel by proxy.

    lantern rite date“What a beautiful day.”
    Baizhu arrives at the top of the hill, the area he and his lover promised to meet up together.
    He was very much looking forward to this date with his lover, he has been very busy with work more often lately because of the upcoming celebration.

    Lantern Rite is the biggest celebration in Liyue which made Baizhu really busy for the past few days.
    Because of how busy he was he couldn't find any time at all to be with his lover, so it was nice and relaxing that they both found time to take some time off work and just enjoy the celebration together.

    For the sake of getting some time off he had to trust Gui, Qiqi and Changsheng to look after the pharmacy, it wasn't like he didn’t trust them to be able to run the pharmacy without him, they all have looked after the pharmacy before multiple times when Baizhu was busy researching and making new drugs.
    Qiqi and Gui were the ones who convinced Baizhu to take some time and go on a relaxing date with his significant other, he was really grateful he ended up going on this date.
    No, he was worried since this was the first time they have ever managed the pharmacy without Baizhu on a very busy day, especially Gui who was still new.

    Baizhu looked over the pharmacy from the hill he was waiting on and sighed in relief that it looked like everything was fine, at least from afar.

    “This area is relatively close to the pharmacy, but how could I never notice this place.”
    Baizhu said to himself in a soft and small voice while inspecting the area, he soon noticed how even in the biggest celebration this area he was in was very peaceful.
    It was quiet, he could still hear briefly the crowd in Liyue but it didn’t bother him since it was overall peaceful.

    “He knows me so well, finding such a beautiful and easy to get to area… And it's such a peaceful area.” Baizhu smiled to himself thinking about how sweet and thoughtful his lover was, he was very flattered at the fact that his lover would go extra lengths thinking about the perfect environment for the perfect date.

    ‘Maybe I was a bit too early..’ Baizhu chuckled softly to himself, his lover was always early whatever the occasion was so he wanted to do the same.
    Baizhu was very excited for this date that he had dressed up for this special occasion, he wanted to look a little different for the celebration, he wanted to look special for his dear lover for a special celebration.

    He played a bit with his new attire and he fiddled around with the bag he brought with him. On his way to pick up his new outfit from the laundry since he himself wasn’t able to find any time to wash it himself, on his way to the hillside he picked up materials to make Xiao Lanterns.

    He was thinking it would be a good idea to make lanterns in Lantern Rite. It has been awhile since Baizhu actually made a Xiao Lantern so he thought it would be romantic and fun to make a Xiao Lantern with his lover, it would be a fun experience for him and his lover to connect better just by talking while making the lantern.

    After some time he finally spotted his lover among the crowd, Baizhu and Zhongli made eye contact and locked eyes with Zhongli despite being really far away from each other.
    He waited patiently for zhongli to make his way up the hill, both greeted each other with a warm and bright smile.

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