Aki♡死体 Gore related posts and probably some things I'm too embarrassed to post on main ☆quiet follow Yell with Emoji POIPOI 8
Aki♡死体SPOILER///huge hxh spoiler///.goretober day 6: HospitalWarning: slight bloodare you okay with this? (password: yes) Aki♡死体DOODLEgoretober day 5: Beast/Monster (traditional + thumbnail) 2 Aki♡死体DOODLEgoretober day 4: Bites (thumbnail + traditional)tbh I only liked the digital version of this one-Warning: gore 2 Aki♡死体DOODLEgoretober day 3: Drown Aki♡死体DOODLEgoretober day 2: Chains Aki♡死体DOODLEgoretober day 1: Possession (traditional + thumbnail)Warning: insect and goreare you okay with this? (password: yes) 2 Aki♡死体DOODLElazy a 3 Aki♡死体DOODLEWarning: guts, self-harm and suicideare you okay with this? (password: yes) 2 1