LuciferazaDOODLEMike and Kinazu 2 LuciferazaDOODLEKaeXiao LuciferazaDOODLE 4 LuciferazaDOODLE 3 LuciferazaDOODLE 2 LuciferazaDOODLE 9 LuciferazaDOODLEOC STUFFidk nsfw cuntboy etc 3 LuciferazaDOODLETW: suicide mention more of my kbdn angst (leon is dead lol) 8 LuciferazaDOODLEnz is hot 3 LuciferazaDOODLEOC STUFF /spanish tw: sensitive content, blood, murder mention 7 LuciferazaDOODLETW: BLOOD/DUBCON oc's stuff contraseña: Nombre del personaje en el dibujo (no mayus) 3 LuciferazaDOODLETW: corpse, sensitive conent (KBDN)password: Are you sure you want to see this? ( yes, no)Something small i did about a kbdn angst i have with my friends 10 LuciferazaDOODLETW: dysphoria, nudehc of genderfluid piers//vent art 3 LuciferazaDOODLETW PROBLEMATIC TOPICS (non-con+abuse)Piers(part1) Contraseña: quwrws swr mw twlwnw? 🥺 13 LuciferazaDOODLEsome kbnz angst i had in mind 23 LuciferazaDOODLEnsfw jun-apr 5 1