horneybreqdDOODLE🔞[🐶🈁]needy but gentle inupi x just as needy but wouldn’t admit it koko😚no matter how long they’ve worn rings they’re as obsessed with each other as they were in their teens <3dm me for the pw! 3 horneybreqdDOODLEfinal tl🫶 read L➡️Rkoko's greeting back home from a very long and exhausting business trip (ft inupi's sweet but slightly possessive thoughts)dm me for the password! 3 horneybreqdDOODLE🔞[🐶🈁] (READ L ➡️ R)mabu tl! the 2 year long celibacy costed koko his size queen powers loldm me for the password! 7 horneybreqdDOODLE🔞[🐶🈁 & 🈁🐶]final tl + mabu tl :) i hc that they switch between domming and subbing as welldm me for the password! 2 horneybreqdDOODLE🔞[🐶🈁]final tl stressed ceo koko takes a break☺️dm me for the password! 3 horneybreqdDOODLE🔞[🐶🈁]recents! been into pillow princess koko lately😌dm me for the password! 4 horneybreqdDOODLE🔞[🐶🈁]inuneko but literallydm me for the password! horneybreqdDOODLE🔞[🐶🈁]sfw and nsfw version of something i drew based on official art of them eating ice cream😇(L ➡️ R)dm me for the password! 2 horneybreqdDOODLE🔞[🐶🈁]mid exam doodles. needed the stress relief (as did koko lol)dm me for the password! 4 horneybreqdDOODLE🔞[🈁🐶]vanilla, soft, kkin☺️dm me for the password! 2 horneybreqdDOODLE(mild nsfw): dom koko in a dress!dm me for the password! 2 horneybreqdDOODLE🔞[🈁🐶]long time no top kokodm me for the password! horneybreqdDOODLE🔞 [🐶🈁]bonten tl :))dm me for the password! 2 horneybreqdDOODLE(mild nsfw): body worshiphc where inupi has burn scars all over his body. koko adores them🥰(L ➡️ R)dm me for the password! 2 horneybreqdDOODLE🔞 [🐶🈁]i wanted to draw koko clawing inupi’s back :) + bonus leather contentdm me for the password! 2 horneybreqdDOODLE(mild nsfw): dom koko // sub inupikoko’s pet🥰 imo they’d be into collars.(L ➡️ R)dm me for the password! 1