Jaune_beanieDOODLEPass is Furina's favorite creature ☺️I give up putting a more challenging pass lmfaoanw, eat well nufus 🫶💙🩵 2 Jaune_beanieDOODLEPass is— None! 🤭I made some last minute adjustments to this Nvfr dessert, especially because Dance of Eternity(my beloved) updated. Enjoy the dessert! 🥺🫶🍰🍰🍰 2 Jaune_beanieDOODLEHappy Holidays Paintwhisker! I hope you like my gift for you 🥺 Enjoy! 🎄💙🩵✨️Nufu Holiday Exchange Gift ✨️ 3 Jaune_beanieDOODLEPass is the cute alternative ship name for Nvfr 😊 2 Jaune_beanieDOODLEthank you for following my brainrots, here is something small from little me 🙇♀️pass starts with 'b' and ends with 'g'fave nufu kink 🤭gotta repopulate y'know? 2 Jaune_beanieDOODLEhead emptynvfr only 🤲pass: my fave Furina's nickname, all caps 2 1