UnderMoon1024DONEChapter 37 Lucky Coins 21 UnderMoon1024DONEChapter 32 Mother 18 UnderMoon1024DONEChapter 31 Handsome man 18 UnderMoon1024DONEChapter 30 Night dancing 15 UnderMoon1024DONEChapter 29 Leave a name in the legend 15 UnderMoon1024DONEChapter 28 Not seen 13 UnderMoon1024DONEChapter 27 As men 15 UnderMoon1024DONEChapter 15 Promise is debt 16 UnderMoon1024DONEChapter 15 Camouflage 15 UnderMoon1024DONEChapter 23 Bastards 15 UnderMoon1024DONEChapter 22 Oath of silence 14 UnderMoon1024DONEChpater 20 Darkness 15 UnderMoon1024DONESettings 8 UnderMoon1024DONEChapter 19 Testing of Gods 15 UnderMoon1024DONEChapter 18 Prayer 16 UnderMoon1024DONEchapter 17 useless use 13 UnderMoon1024DONEChapter 16 You Know Nothing 11 UnderMoon1024DONEChapter 15 Setting out 18 UnderMoon1024DONEChapter 14 Choice 18 UnderMoon1024DONEChapter 13 Commoners V.S. Nobles·Continue 17 UnderMoon1024DONEChapter 12 Commoners V.S. Nobles·Conitnue 17 UnderMoon1024DOODLEchapter 11 Commoners V.S. Nobles·Beginning 17 UnderMoon1024DONELegend of Love and Lie, chapter 10, the competition 17 UnderMoon1024DONELegend of Love and Lie, chapter 09, Celebration 17 UnderMoon1024DOODLELegend of Love and Lie, chapter 08 Dinner 14 UnderMoon1024DONEHi guys, this is one of my original comic stories(chapter 7). It's inspired by Game of Thrones (in my eyes), so maybe it's a mini-game of thrones. Hope you like it. 14 UnderMoon1024DONEHi guys, this is one of my original comic stories(chapter 6). It's inspired by Game of Thrones (in my eyes), so maybe it's a mini-game of thrones. Hope you like it. 11 UnderMoon1024DONEHi guys, this is one of my original comic stories(chapter 5). It's inspired by Game of Thrones (in my eyes), so maybe it's a mini-game of thrones. Hope you like it. 11 UnderMoon1024DONEHi guys, this is one of my original comic stories(chapter 4). It's inspired by Game of Thrones (in my eyes), so maybe it's a mini-game of thrones. Hope you like it. 11 UnderMoon1024DONEHi guys, this is one of my original comic stories(chapter 3). It's inspired by Game of Thrones (in my eyes), so maybe it's a mini-game of thrones. Hope you like it. 11 UnderMoon1024DONEHi guys, this is one of my original comic stories(chapter 2). It's inspired by Game of Thrones (in my eyes), so maybe it's a mini-game of thrones. Hope you like it. 11 UnderMoon1024DONEHi guys, this is one of my original comic stories. It's inspired by Game of Thrones (in my eyes), so maybe it's a mini-game of thrones. Hope you like it. 12 1