JuSt M4r1DOODLEWY just being punished(again) he's fine🤭🍑👋🏻💥💞+ Prints of the mini fanfic more below☆ 4 JuSt M4r1DONE❤️🍑💥💕✨️ JuSt M4r1DOODLEComfy time!!🥺🤲🏻💝 JuSt M4r1DONESomeone tested second brother Lan's patience (WY likes to see him angry) and expected another type of punishment and not this one👀🕊 2 Lycan_SakuraDOODLEManhua redraw of the new snuggling picture of Lan Zhan and Wei Ying from maotuanxjj on twitter. They are the artist behind the "Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation" Manhua. 1