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    ☆quiet follow Send AirSkeb request Yell with Emoji 💖 👍 🎉 😍
    POIPOI 2


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    Shu Yamino has been a single dad for 3 years. His joy in life is his son, and his son loves him the most. Or so he thinks until Shu finds out his son's latest "playdate," Luca.


    Dad Is Not JealousShu believed his son was, possibly, a living angel bestowed upon him. His son never threw fits. His son always ate the brocoli. His son.......

    The list went on.

    He was what others would call, The Oyabaka (term for parents who love their children too much). With the capitals.

    Yamini -- the nickname had become a habit and it was adored -- was a "good boy" indeed. He was the boy who would say "I love you" morning and night, over the weekends, and anytime he wants to. It was true until he met a young man with bright sunflower hair and biggest smile that could light up his dad's long closed bedroom.

    For the past few weeks, Yamini had been very happy to go to his kindergarten a bit too much. Shu was happy to see his son's smiles and never imagined a particular someone would be behind the reason for his son's happiness.

    Like, for example, for his son to latch onto a young male who was smiling apologetically while his son wailed that he would not go back home until he defeated the mafia.

    Shu looked down at his son and back up to the tall young man. He quietly sighed then kneeled down, uncaring whether his black office suit gets dirtied or not, and looked at Yamini.

    "Yamini. You are being rude. Mr. ......"

    Shu sheepishly looked up to find the young man's name tag: Teacher In Training K --

    The tag started to move down and gradually levelled with Shu's sight. Shu blinked twice when the young man almost folded himself and held Yamini's snot and tears smeared hands to wipe off with a wet tissue.

    "Luca. Please call me Luca, Mr. Yamino."

    Shu stared at the bright smile that almost creased the sides of the young man -- Luca's big bright eyes. His voice rumbled nicely, giving out the warmth of a cozy sweater yet energetic like the sunlight on a field of sunflowers. Shu stared at Luca and then to his son.

    Yamini had sparking stars darting in his vibrant purple eyes. His eyes, cheeks, ears, and nose were red from crying but his fingers were squeezing Luca's big hands tightly as if not to be separated.

    Oh no.

    Shu Yamino knew that look.

    He had seen that look before. From the glass reflecting his favourite restaurant, the mirror in their first bigger home, the......

    Yamini had his eyes.

    Everyone said that.

    The first being /her/.

    And that was the look when Yaminos liked something, a lot. A lot.

    Shu gulped in a breath and gazed back to Luca, who looked puzzled for a second, respectfully waiting with unasked questions floating in the air.

    Luca's hair bounced a bit has he tilted his head and showed his pure smile towards Yamini. Yamini brightly lit up and started to chirp about whatever-mafia-game-it-was-is-this-even-good-for-kids But, Shu Yamino was in no place to think about it as he has gotten a more serious matter in front of him.

    Shu stared at Luca and realized.

    Shu Yamino has gotten a rival.

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