Translation suggestions
POIPIKU supports multiple languages and scripts. However, we adopt machine translation from Japanese to other languages almost as is.
Therefore, we are afraid that there are many expressions that are difficult to understand for those who usually use languages other than Japanese.
So, if you have any suggestions, such as "I think this notation/expression is better in this language!", please send them to us from this page. We will consider your suggestions and reflect them in our services....more
Moreover, POIPIKU users can freely edit translation of tag names.
You can access the tag editing page from the contents list for each tag. (e.g.
Translation suggestions
POIPIKU supports multiple languages and scripts. However, we adopt machine translation from Japanese to other languages almost as is.
Therefore, we are afraid that there are many expressions that are difficult to understand for those who usually use languages other than Japanese.
So, if you have any suggestions, such as "I think this notation/expression is better in this language!", please send them to us from this page. We will consider your suggestions and reflect them in our services.
Moreover, POIPIKU users can freely edit translation of tag names.
You can access the tag editing page from the contents list for each tag. (e.g.

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