ritathereptileDOODLE● Shuca左右無差● 架空AU● OOC 6720 ritathereptileDONE● Shuca無差● 同居paro● OOC注意● 只是一個短故事合輯 7220 ritathereptileDONE● Shuca互攻● Definitely NSFW● 此為下篇,有非肛交式插入型性行為● 同居paro● OOC● password: have you read the reminder above word by word and fully accept all the risk? (yes/no, answer with capital letters) 5379 ritathereptileDONE● Shuca互攻● 點梗為:二個人擠浴缸● 微NSFW, I guess?● 此為上篇● 同居paro● OOC● password: have you read the reminder above word by word and fully accept all the risk? (yes/no) 3761 ritathereptileDONE● Shuca無差● 人魚嚕跟研究員咻 6608 ritathereptileDONE● Shuca● 同居paro● 搬家的隔天● OOC注意 5230 ritathereptileDOODLE● Shuca● 校園paro● 理工宅男咻&啦啦隊校花嚕● 青梅竹馬● 嚕先天性女體化注意● TBC? 1085 ritathereptileDONE● Shuca無差● 怕海的Luca與人魚Shu● TBC? 2137 ritathereptileDONE● Shuca無差● 關於Luca提到自己曾有睡眠癱瘓問題的一點小發想● 同居paro● OOC 1683 ritathereptileDONE● Shuca無差● Luxium酒會上,兩人都喝醉了● OOC● 第一次用,試發看看 1175 1