haley_ch0303DOODLE!D x T!(r18)睡姦気味(?)の事後 haley_ch0303DOODLEディオテラ(r18) !🐉x⚔️!Terence needs a little respite.the idea of Terence don't want "milk" to dirty Dion's body is cute so I drew it.真剣なものから長い時間から休憩したから次のエロはもっと耽美なものにしたい。 haley_ch0303DOODLEディオテラ(r18)Warning: Dion x Terence (🐉x⚔️)I am tapping into uh...unknown territory. I will be glad anyone likes....this...sort of drawing. haley_ch0303DOODLEディオテラ(r18)Warning: Dion x Terence (🐉x⚔️)主従逆転ごっこ(?) haley_ch0303DOODLEディオテラ(r15)😠🍼 haley_ch0303DOODLEディオテラ(r15)another redrawすみません。セックスをルーチンワークに認識しているテラが性癖にハマり過ぎた。(イチャイチャとキスとかは凄く好きけど) haley_ch0303DOODLEディオテラ(r15)前のやつ書き直し+テラの着替え姿追加した。 2 haley_ch0303DOODLE!D x T!ディオテラ(NSFW)今回の最終回(?)すみません。。。二人をいじめ過ぎたかも。。。でも童貞ディ様が加減知らずのは凄くかわいいと思ってつい。。。反省します。 2 haley_ch0303DOODLE!D x T!ディオテラR18日刊(?)ディ様が文武両道ができる勉強能力がベットで活用している(??)continue from the last onenext one would be the last I promise. haley_ch0303DOODLED x T前の続き(continue from the last one)かわいい童貞ディ様がたまらない。二人もハッピーのセックスを書くのが好き。 haley_ch0303DOODLE!D x T!前話した童貞ディ様は多分こんな感じ。More flavoured big brother Terence. Gotta take care of Dion in bed. haley_ch0303DOODLE!R18!OOC!Dion x Terence性癖3ちょっと謝罪セックスな感じがする。いつも通りのネタを突っ込みです。 2 haley_ch0303DOODLE!Dion x terence!(R18...?)テランスの少し誘い受けの一面を描いた。もっと攻撃的な面にしたかったが、それはまだ機会があれば。Drew horny dion yesturday so I wanted to draw horny terence today. haley_ch0303DOODLER15!Dion x Terence(ディオテラ)!I see terence so eagerly want to kiss more in the cut scene so I fulfilled his wish. haley_ch0303DOODLE!top dion x bottom terence!R18!Terence wearing dion's clothes, laying on bed with gil( I mean dragon loves shiny things), and head pets.personal setting: saliva can pass on heat haley_ch0303DOODLEif i don't draw it no one will...... forgive me. !Bahamut is involved becareful!!バハあります!(!top dion x bottom terence!) haley_ch0303DOODLEお仕置きプレイ(2)warning:ooc(top dion x bottom terence) haley_ch0303DOODLEお仕置きプレイrkgk(1)すみませんまだディ様の尻尾を使いました。便利過ぎる。warning: ooc (top dion x bottom terence) 2 haley_ch0303DONE!Dion x Terence!R18 4P<離れないて>ポイピクのパスワード覚えた。 4 haley_ch0303DOODLE!Dion x Terence! R18!Terence seducing a dragon...相変わらず性癖の詰め込みです 5 haley_ch0303DOODLE!Dion x Terence!R18! dragon loves to lick....... haley_ch0303DOODLE!Dion x Terence!R18!ディオテラご褒美Dion pleasures his "master" haley_ch0303DOODLE!Dion x Terence!R1819x19long hair Dion btw 5 haley_ch0303DOODLE!Dion x Terence!R18Terence likes it rough haley_ch0303DOODLE!Dion x Terence!R18くれぇま先生の<求めて囀る甘い熱>の中で見たテランスのオナーシーン美味しすぎてつい描きました.....(そして勝手に自分の性癖も加えましたこめんなさい.... 2 haley_ch0303DOODLE!Dion x Terence!淫紋注意野性本能Terence is apologizing when Dion is doing way worse(sorry for OOC but I love it haley_ch0303DOODLE!Dion X Terence!ディオテラ19 x 29I don't know what I am doing anymore(my brain is a mess) haley_ch0303DOODLE!Dion x Terence!ディオテラI like the gloves so I just had to do this...... haley_ch0303DOODLE!Dion x Terence! ちょっと悪趣味注意今後は性癖放出の状態になりそうなので先にこめんなさいI am letting my fetish from now on out so be careful haley_ch0303DOODLE!Dion x Terence!(R18) Dion is unhappy that Terence only cares about his feelings in sex instead of his own. He got to make them both happy in the end after everything. 3 haley_ch0303DOODLE!Dion x Terence(R18)!pleasuring Terence after a day of hard work seems to be Dion's hobby haley_ch0303DOODLE!Dion x Terence!They are.... trying to be warm in winter. haley_ch0303DOODLE!Dion x Terence!My imagination of their early years when Terence is too shy to have his voice heard by Dion haley_ch0303DOODLE!Dion x Terence!I still cannot forget how Dion wants Terence to be his master(I am 100% sure it's not in a kinky way but still...... Dion is an expert in flirting) haley_ch0303DOODLE!Dion x Terence!"you're beautiful my prince" haley_ch0303DOODLE!Dion x Terence!(Eng)Terence"Dion... are you sure about this?"Dion"I do want to try something new"Terence" B-but I am heavy and perhaps you might-uh!?"Dion "Just enjoy for one time, can you?" haley_ch0303DOODLEDion X Terence(Long hair Dion)Terence serving Dionテランスの奉仕(騎乗位)Dion doesn't understand why Terence wouldn't look at him(spoiler: he's too hot)ディオンがかっこよすぎて顔を見れないテランス haley_ch0303DOODLEDion x Terence イチャイチャEnglish:Terence "Dion, you don't need to do this..... I have prepared myself already....."(Dion just loves to treasure Terence) 2 haley_ch0303DOODLEDion x TerenceHoliday morning(they can't wait until night)休みの朝(待てられない二人共)English:"Terence... you're so hot inside.....you feel so good""uh- m-my pleasure""(heart struck)I love you" haley_ch0303DOODLEディオテラのR18Dion X Terence!顔面崩壊注意! 1