black_mich_DONE black_mich_DONEDr. Corazón is waiting to give u the love shot ☝️❤️🔥🫦 2 black_mich_DOODLEHAPPY NEW YEAR !! Again kinda late but reposted from twitter black_mich_DOODLEForgot to post here ! black_mich_DOODLE black_mich_DONEIllustration for my birthday<3 !10/23/23 black_mich_DONE! Depiction of suicide !AftermathIllustration from October. 2 black_mich_DOODLEWanted to draw him <3Doodle from October. black_mich_DONEEyesIllustration from october. black_mich_DONEMemoryIllustration from october. black_mich_DONE black_mich_DONE black_mich_DOODLEIt's cat day so have an old sketch of Itsuki! black_mich_DONE 3 black_mich_DOODLE 2 1