bardingsSPOILER99-100 msq bardingsSPOILER100 msq bardingsDOODLE🅱️ooba 2 bardingsTRAININGtoo shy to even link these on twitter so if u catch this congrats! rare forbidden pictures of my wol getting railed 🫣 2 bardingsDOODLEdidn’t have to draw a dick this time thank gourd bardingsDOODLEr18 is so hard to draw (keeps doing it anyway) bardingsDOODLEdon’t look at me bardingsSPOILERwolgraha doodles, spoilers for the last leg of endwalker msq 2 bardingsDOODLEok but why did some of estinien and krile’s interactions in the early sharlayan bits give me this vibe lmao bardingsSPOILERlv80-81 endwalker msq, minor spoilers 3 bardingsSPOILERlv80 endwalker quest, minor spoilers bardingsSPOILERcats bardingsSPOILER[5.3 spoilers, vaguely hades14th] bardingsSPOILER[5.3 spoilers] bardingsSPOILER[5.3 spoilers, vaguely wolexarch] missing scene bardingsSPOILER[5.3 spoilers, wolexarch] I’m sorry but they would probably be super annoying at least in the beginning skhdhdjd bardingsDOODLE 2 bardingsDOODLE bardingsDOODLE 1