teethDONESome quick ritmob bc I love them w/ all my heart (I promise I’ll use references next time lmao) 2 teethDONEmogamob request <3 2 teethDOODLESpicy reimob sketch I’ll never finish 2 teethDOODLEMob w/ dolphins.. I thought it would be funny, but in a fucked up kinda way TW: beastiality, cervix penetration, noncon 2 teethDONESerimob online grooming time!! (2711) TW for shota, grooming, online grooming, and dubcon; please proceed with caution 🫡 8 teethDONEDecapitation reimob my beloved,, 2 teethDOODLEageswap!reimob doodles 3 teethDOODLEsome ekumob! 2 teethDOODLEritmob doodle dump 3 teethDONEGood boy 2 teethDONEmessy nii-san 2 teethDONERitsu’s diary 2 teethDONECollege ritsu, he works out to impress his nii-san :) teethDONEmob’s first heat teethDONEYandere ritsu 5 teethDOODLEHappy mobu teethDONEPiggy back ride teethDOODLE25 y/o tome doodle 2 teethDOODLEKiss after school teethDOODLEDiscipline 2 teethDONEGoing for it! teethDOODLEWhat did Reigen say? teethDONEBrotherly bonding 2 teethDONETasting nii-san teethDOODLEStripper mob says hello teethDONEAdult Ritsu teethDOODLEStartled teethDONERole reversal teethDOODLEFrog :) teethDOODLEBiggest fan teethDONERitsu’s birthday present 3 teethDONEToo close teethDOODLEQuick obligatory reimob swively chair doodle teethDOODLEPOV: you take advantage of your student but his otouto is a brocon teethDOODLEA bit too fond teethDOODLERitsu is a good boy 2 teethDONEMob forgets to bring his lunch to school. Ritsu feeds him. teethDOODLETop surgery mobu teethDOODLE 1