SezennaDOODLEmodern (current modern era ish?) AU, they're lover and soon to be married (lmao already did marriage reading). reading on some drawing cr to Noon Avenuepass: meaning of 🪡 name, all small 2 SezennaDONE🔨🧵 hint: that flesh of abomination SezennaDOODLE🗡️🪡 AU and 🪡 scribblePass: Lambda star of 🪡 constellation (all small) 2 SezennaDONElanjutannya kemaren, adding two more artworks (wkwowkwk)pass: 1+1 =hint: bahasa indonesia, huruf kecil, dulu sering digunakan untuk ngerjain bocah 3 SezennaDOODLE🗡🪡 ngew (yh, bgitulah (bingunh caption moment)) pw hint: nama binatang rasinya tiphy (huruf kecil semua) SezennaDOODLE🗡️🪡 rkgk, mostly 🪡chanpassword: the name of the asteroid where little prince came from. small alphabet, no hyphen. SezennaDOODLEsuggestive 🔨🧵 (non explicit)password: card in the deck that equivalent to 11 (use IDN) SezennaDOODLEI let my carnal desire win so 🗡🪡 rkgksome of 🪡chan rkgk as wellthe very left of the first pict is tracedpassword: jp ship name of them 3 SezennaDOODLE🐍🕸🐍 w femdom?pass: monster accompanying this oc (use normal word, ex: á > a) SezennaDOODLEpass: all small, meaning of one alphabet from the character I draw here SezennaDOODLElizzie's anniversary with 0 (dd-mm) 2 SezennaDOODLESnowCyone with dead Alcyone (not really) 5 1