haramisuDONEXiafei gonna get eaten by vein literally :3cPassword: shipname haramisuDOODLE18? haramisuDOODLEUnder what section of NLC 1965 does it defined the meaning of land?(number only) haramisuDOODLEThe specific part of the antigen peptide that sits in the binding pocket of the MHC molecule and provides stable binding in the groove.(small caps with space) haramisuDOODLEQ: Is there any right for pre-acquisition hearing for acquisition of land? haramisuSPOILERCOUGHSorry for I have sinned Are you 18? (no/yes) haramisuDOODLEpswd: ship namedont look at me im trying to get back my horny art braincells and i am currently just having 2nd hand embarrassment from these two//// haramisuDOODLEJust a little smtg wink wonk haramisuDONE涼賢 | りょけん (Apocalypse AU)2When a certain unnecessary elements decide to join in haramisuDONE涼賢 | りょけん (Apocalypse AU) 1