die_lian_huaDOODLEwe actually we use practice tutus when dancing with a partner so they know what distance to be from the ballerina to not smush the actual costume. I think Furina should start wearing one… mary1201kmgnDONE mary1201kmgnDONE 3 mary1201kmgnDONE mary1201kmgnDONE mary1201kmgnDOODLE 2 PopoDONEフリヌヴィ 寝落ち⚖️はめちゃくちゃ優秀でそのことを💧も信頼してる。💧は神なので人々のいう優秀などの基準に当てはまらない(規格外)そんなイメージ。English version is below. But I’m not good at English . Sorry. 10 1