nibbles7192DONE nibbles7192DONECharacter(s): Blossom © Craig McCracken | Nova © SuperNovaArts nibbles7192DONEThis just in, James “Jim” Gordon has made hating yourself ILLEGAL. Don’t break the law, love yourself or else the GCPD will be having a few words with you. nibbles7192DONEI present to you, my EDit! Get it? It’s 6:20 AM and I haven’t slept, please laugh at my jokes - 2 nibbles7192DONEVictor Zsasz is such a great character, I loved every appearance he made on Gotham! nibbles7192DONEAs you may or may not know, the DC character “Firefly” has always been shown as male. However in the TV show, Gotham, Firefly is shown as a girl. I headcanon this Firefly as trans!! 2 nibbles7192DONEIn this house we love and appreciate Harvey Bullock 👮💜 nibbles7192DONEI love edits and I love Jerome, so why not make a Jerome edit? Well I did, and this is what I made! I’m really happy with it, so I’ll likely use it as a profile picture. 💜🃏💚 nibbles7192DONEIn middle school I doodled a bunch of anime eyes. My old friend, Karolina, drew around it. Original picture was submitted on DeviantArt April 27, 2016. 12