DONEAnother Chilqing brainrot, it's kinda NSFW-ish maybeStay"We shouldn't be together, you know" The purple haired woman said though she is not in the position to say so. Her hands tangled in the hair of the ginger haired man in front of her. They looked into each other's eyes before they kiss passionately again.
"I don't care, really. Our job is just a status but our love is real, Keqing." The ginger haired man said softly, whispering to the woman's lips.
2241"I don't care, really. Our job is just a status but our love is real, Keqing." The ginger haired man said softly, whispering to the woman's lips.
DONEGot the idea after hearing the song "maiden's longing", enjoy another chilqing~Maiden's LongingLiyue's harbor is probably the busiest place on earth, one can't simply be lonely around the harbor. Many people flooded the harbor for trades, ships are coming in and going out. The many activities the harbor had are what make the harbor became so prosperous.
But there is one lady, feeling lonely in the middle of the busiest port on Teyvat. She knew she shouldn't feel that way but she couldn't help it. The harbor are a perfect place for people to come and go and so does what her lover did. Though she is part of the Qixing with loads of work she needs to do, there are time when she simply feel lonely.
3620But there is one lady, feeling lonely in the middle of the busiest port on Teyvat. She knew she shouldn't feel that way but she couldn't help it. The harbor are a perfect place for people to come and go and so does what her lover did. Though she is part of the Qixing with loads of work she needs to do, there are time when she simply feel lonely.