Ic7erin3DOODLEFushiIta 2 CapriceDOODLEMagic shadow 6 CapriceTRAINING3rd FSIT REQUEST 🤘🤘🤘last one in the comic form, since I'm now more drained than a raisin 4 CapriceDOODLEFushiIta request no.2Possessive!Wolfgumi and Tigerdori 3 CapriceDOODLEFushiIta request no.1 for Nox!!! I'm a professional procrastinator but I will finish the other 3 requests as well...And what the hell do those categories in poipiku even mean 4 uZUItENGENDOODLEpass là biệt danh tớ nhé ^^pass is my nickname ex :t** 1