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    ☆quiet follow Send AirSkeb request Yell with Emoji 💖 👍 🎉 😍
    POIPOI 8


    ☆quiet follow

    A story about how Vil realises his feelings for Rook and how he will manage to confess and express his feelings to him.


    Love blossoms in dark times It's evening and everyone leaves to their room. Vil is working on some paperworks for the next dormleader/vice meeting and Rook is helping him.

    _Vil: Rook, thank you for helping me, but I need you to go to rest since tomorrow it's the general dorm leader and vice meeting and we have to be at our fullest.

    _Rook: Non I'll stay here until we finish, even if we stay awake till morning.

    _Vil: I knew you would say that, but I insist, if you noticed, we don't have that much left to work since we have been working on this even during classes, leave it to me, no need to force yourself, it's no good.

    _Rook: Vil, I'll never force myself to help you, I'm here with you because I want to and I enjoy being on your side.

    Suddenly Vil's heart began to beat fast. Despite hearing that everyday or better said, since they met, this time those words made him lose his concentration and started to feel weird.

    Rook noticed that and asked Vil.

    _Rook: Sacreblu Are you ok Let me bring you some wa-

    _Vil: Stop it, I'm fine, no need to worry. You know me better than anyone else, I'll take care of myself once I finish this very quickly. Again Rook, I need you to rest. Please do it.

    _Rook: How fierce and yet so beautiful Alright Roi du poison, I shall take my leave then. See you tomorrow

    _Vil: See you, don't forget the new routine I made for us before you go to sleep. (I must check if Epel is doing it...)

    _Rook: Oui

    Once Rook left, there's a sudden peace for Vil, it's his office room and himself. He could only hear his thoughts. While working, out of nowhere he began to have flashbacks when he overblotted, that's something he will never forgive about
    himself. But then he sees Rook's face, comforting him, being on his side even though he lost control, endangered his teammates and the person he admires. Vil always wanted to know why he's like that and why him, even seconds after he met him. Seeing Rook's face would make him feel better and his heart, that was beating at normal pace after Rook left, starts beating even faster, Vil's face was starting to turn red. He tries his best to finish the paperwork while dealing with those emotions.

    2 hours passed and finally finished the paperwork. He was relieved knowing that he will finally go to his room and rest.

    _Vil: Ah...this man...why now...could it be that...

    His eyes became bigger and brighter, his cheeks were super rosy and there was a little bit of sweat on his forehead. He realized that he has feelings for him, not quite sure if it's love...or something else. The only love he has ever experienced before was from his father and that's kinda what every kid feels towards their parents, so this was an unknown zone for him since it was "love" towards someone he has known for 3 years. Vil is somehow frightened because if he tells this to Rook, they might drift apart and their relationship wouldn't be the same anymore, creating an environment of awkwardness between the two. That was the main fear Vil had when he realized those feelings. He was hopeful that it could be something else, but the more he thinks about him, the more he believes that it's definitely love.

    After all this battle in his head, he finally decides to go to bed. He arrives, changes his clothes to comfy pajamas and he sits in front of his mirror. He starts brushing off his hair, doing the usual. There's a serene ambience in his room, he's calm and drowsy.

    _Vil: Ara, I need rest very well. It's almost time to go to sleep.

    _Vil: Tomorrow it will be an interesting day... everything has to be beautiful. No imperfections nor poorly performance are allowed.

    After he finishes brushing off his hair, Rook's image suddenly appears in his mirror. He has a soft looking face garnished with a warm smile. He would only say his name very fondly. Vil was speechless and he wouldn't take his eyes off from the mirror. He suddenly remembers there were other occasions where he would see his image at unexpected places. This started to happen shortly after VDC ended. Vil let his comb fall and he says to himself.

    _Vil: This won't let me sleep at all, I have to do it and right now. Whatever the outcome is, I

    Vil strongly wanted Rook to respond his feelings and knowing he could reject him, that would drive him crazy. He didn't want that. He knew that this man already took place in every corner of his heart and mind. And just like every Pomefiore student, impulsiveness and perseverance were things that Vil also had.

    Determined on what he's going to do, he leaves his room and he directly goes to Rook's room. He knocks his door but there are no signs after knocking several times. Vil forgot that it's already sleep time and he scolds himself.

    _Vil: *low voice* Damn it, why I'm like this.

    And behind him, a familiar and lovely voice calls Vil, but that wasn't enough to avoid Vil be freaked out.

    _Rook: Vil What a beautiful surprise It's really rare to have you here unless you need something really important. many times do I have to tell you don't do that Ugh.

    _Vil: And why you're awake

    _Vil: anyways...

    Vil takes a deep breath and with no fear and wavering, he tells Rook.

    _Vil: Rook, come to my room. I need to tell you something.

    Rook is surprised and curious what's going on. Like his usual self, he gets excited.

    _Rook: Oh More surprises are coming, can't wait for more Sure Roi du poison, I'll follow you.

    Vil had a little bit of relief after he accepted but he knows that the "worst" part is yet to come.

    After arriving to Vil's room, Rook goes forward and sits on his bed, waiting for him to tell him what's going on.

    Vil trying to make things slower, he remembers he has something to give him and it's a feather. This feather was supposed to be given in their graduation day.

    _Vil: Hey Rook, do you remember that in our first year, you said that you wanted the most beautiful feather And you said it because you saw a rare bird that had bright and colorful feathers

    _Rook: moves my heart that you remembered that, as you know, I'm still on that quest.

    Vil hesitates to give him the feather to him but he does it anyways.

    Rook is super amazed and his eyes starts dazzling over it. He goes speechless for a few minutes.

    _Vil: Come on say something, it's making me worry.

    _Rook: ....Vil...I don't have words to's so precious....

    _Vil: Well it was made by me after all. As you noticed, it's synthetic and I emulated those bright and colorful colors from that rare bird. It took me a while to achieve it, after so many trial and errors.

    Rook notices that Vil is smiling but it's a smile that he has never seen before. It's fair to say that Vil's smile made him more fascinated than the feather.

    Rook despite being so well versed in speech, he didn't have words to describe what he was witnessing. But Rook could also notice this is a very atypical Vil, so he had to ask the following.

    _Rook: Vil, this is so impressive. But you sure have to say something important to me, all this isn't for nothing, right

    Vil quickly sits in front of his mirror and takes courage in order to say what he wants, in that way his heart and mind would find peace.

    Rook knew that whatever he was going to say out of his mouth, it will change everything. He was cautious and nervous.

    _Vil: I've known you for 3 years, we have spent a lot of time together. After that incident where I almost committed the worst thing in the world for the person you admired the most, which it's something that it really upset me since I thought I knew you more than anyone else at this school, finding that out in that moment wasn't the best but still, you were still on my side, you made me realize of so many things that I didn't know they were on me...and one of them...has been there....since that day...ugh this is a new thing for me to say, I-

    Rook stands up and sees Vil's troubled and embarrassed face in the mirror, Vil notices it and he hides himself by putting a spell on the mirror that avoids his image be reflected on it.

    _Vil: Don't look at me This isn't beautiful at all.

    Rook takes off his hat and to hide himself too, Rook knew what Vil was feeling without saying it, he knew he was love in with him. In a low voice he says.

    _Rook: Vil, that can also do it...and because of me...

    Vil couldn't hear him but knows he said something. Again he takes courage and turns back to see him and ask him what did he say but he sees he's covered with his hat. Vil is afraid this made him uncomfortable so he tells him.

    _Vil: Rook... I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, I just wanted to express my feelings I'm so...damn. Please don't change after this. I'll make sure this never happened, we continue the way we always-

    Rook suddenly shouts out a "NON". He removed his hat and his face is completely red. He immediately goes to Vil and hugs him.

    Vil was so confused and he didn't know what just happened, that scream would have had awaken everyone, but luckily, it didn't happen.

    _Vil: You're squishing me Rook

    But deep inside he didn't want to let him go.

    _Rook: Ahh sorry It's just...I don't to react properly You know, it's the very first time I received a confession And from my étoile I'll cry...

    Evidently Rook's nature of being dramatic and "romantic" to almost everyone. He never received a proper response to those comments. Also, it's important to notice that there's a difference between all that and his usual praising to Vil, certainly there was something trying to tell him and knowing that Vil reciprocated his feelings, would tell that both are clearly in love with each other.

    _Vil: Rook, could you please repeat what did you say know...saw my face

    _Rook: I have seen so many sides of you, from your highest to your lowest...but the face you made a while ago was like I've discovered a new beautiful painting at a museum. I want to admire and worship it more, please do it again

    Rook hugs him again and Vil's face that was already red, turned even more red, he looked like an apple. But instead of showing himself, he prefers to hide in Rook's chest.

    Vil was feeling like all the weight he had on his shoulders were lifted. He was relieved and wanted to be with him the whole night.

    But there was detail, it's already pass 12 and he quickly changes mood and he tells him to go to sleep to his room but Rook doesn't listen and goes to rest on his bed, waiting for him to come as well.

    _Rook: Let's sleep together.

    Vil had some many contradictory thoughts, he wanted to kick him out the room but he didn't want him to leave. His heart was demanding to stay, so he decides to follow it and accept his proposal.

    _Vil: Fine...

    _Vil: Don't do anything weird. And I will not allow you to come out of my room in the morning while everyone else is there. So you better wake up very early or use magic to get to your room without any notice.

    _Rook: Oui. You know, here you have own bathroom and I was thinking that in order to make things quicker, we can take a shower together

    He says that while smiling, that makes Vil use one of the pillows to hide his face

    _Vil: Be quiet and sleep now

    _Rook: Oui.

    Rook would sleep with the feather hugged with him, he knows he will use it very soon.

    It's finally the day, as soon as Vil wakes up, he sees Rook sleeping, right next to him. He doesn't want to wake him up, he wants to spend more time looking at his face. What Vil didn't notice is that Rook was already awake and he was faking it out. Shortly after, Rook can't hold it anymore and touches Vil's face with his bare hand and says.

    _Rook: Good morning Vil, seems you were looking at me for while, if you don't mind-

    _Vil: Enough, go to your room I'll wait for you at the lounge.

    _Rook: How cute~, I'll try again later.

    Rook found a way to sneak without being seen coming out of Vil's room.

    The time has come, all dormleaders and vices are in the meeting room with Crowley. Vil and Rook were the first ones to arrive, which normally Riddle and Trey would be the ones to be first.

    Leona mocks Vil saying he is annoyingly shinning today and that's giving him a headache. Rook adds fuel to the fire and says he's right, he's looking lovely and more beautiful than before.

    _Rook: Roi du Leon, you're looking amazing today as well-

    _Leona: You make me sick, knock it off. And you, why you look like that You usually give annoying vibes, but today it's worse.

    _Vil: How nice is for you to notice those things, I know my beauty strikes you a nerve. How about you You look... awfully worse than you looked yesterday. Did you even take a shower

    It looked like a fight was about to start but luckily, Crowley interrupts them.

    _Riddle: Finally he does something good.

    _Azul: Indeed.

    _Jamil: They always start like this and it doesn't help that Rook-senpai is here as well.

    _Rook: Roi du Leon, what a fierce look you have But don't look at my Roi du poison like that, give it to me.

    _Leona: End this meeting already.

    _Crowley: These kids, how I can deal with them. Please get along with each other Ehem, let's take a look in your paperwork. And it seems Malleus-kun isn't here this time.

    Everyone started to work and discuss, there were some differences among certain leaders but at the end, they managed to come up with something fruitful.

    When it finally ended, everyone would leave, Rook tells Vil to see him at the Pom's office room.

    Vil was curious, so he nodded and he quickly do some things before going to the office.

    When Vil arrived, the office was completely dark. Probably he thought that he came very early, although he didn't mention a specific time. So he turns up the lights and he notices Rook sitting on his desk, saying this.

    _Rook: You came Come sit here.

    _Vil: Appearing when lights come in, typical of you.

    When Vil goes to where he is, Rook's intention was to sit him on his lap and help him with the new stuff they worked back in the meeting room with the other dorm leaders and vices.

    Vil was a bit embarrassed to do it because anyone could enter and see them like this. But Rook told him to not worry about it, it will be fine (after all he put a spell that would tell him who's about to knock the door). He sits on his lap and starts working. Vil could feel his breath on his neck and feel aroused but he had to keep working.

    After they finish, Vil stands up and tells Rook they're good to go.

    _Rook: That was fun Did you like it We can do this more often...

    _Vil: As long as nobody notices it, I'm fine...

    _Rook: You don't want people to see we are together

    _Vil: Like...we have been hanging out together everyday since we met, wouldn't make that big difference if we say we are dating but what it worries me is that this could leak out and create a scandal, I don't want your reputation to be ruined by me.

    _Rook: Vil, I know you're afraid but I think you should be happy and feel comfortable first, consider what makes you feel good. I know this...a little bit difficult. It is for me as well, but I want to be with you. And you won't ruin me anything Don't say such hard things.

    Vil smiles and takes Rook's hand and thanks him. What Vil did is dangerous. Because that made Rook take Vil from his hips and kiss him.

    That was their first kiss, an unexpected yet lovely kiss. Then after it, Vil pokes Rook's forehead and tells him that if he does it again, he will punish him.

    They go to their respective rooms. They are in their beds with the urge that they need want to be together but they will have to wait a bit more.

    Vil touches his lips, he could still flavor Rook's saliva. He really loved that kiss. He goes to sleep with the hope he does again tomorrow.

    As for Rook, his lips still have Vil's lipstick, he didn't want to wash it out. Also he goes full crazy with it and writes poetry about that kiss. He wants to do it again and try more things...but probably that will be for later, he wants to treasure deeply his relationship with Vil. He goes to sleep and wishes to see him again and hug him, like he usually does.
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