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    ☆quiet follow

    Archivist/Legatus 視角


    A star has fallen yet again.
    Long grey hair intertwining in the salty night breeze, Archivist walked down the lighthouse directly toward the seashore and leaped into the ocean.

    …A series of explosions and murders have been happening for the past month, and the police still have no idea of whoever this “vigilante” is, but whoever it is, has busted multiple swarms of crime…

    Legatus opened his heavy eyes and felt his body as stiff as stone and squeak in numbing pain when he tries to support himself.

    He cautiously looked around the room and found the voice coming from a blackboard which seems to be like some sort of monitor. A lady was on the screen reporting a fire scene behind her.

    He then looked around the room, wooden furniture had the room felt cozy, unlike anything at his time, which was mainly ruins and metal.

    Then the wooden door suddenly opened. Legatus jumped immediately off the bed to the other side, also frightening the incomer.

    Seeing another self surely is a weird experience, but what is to say of a time traveler

    “I’m Archivist, and seemingly another “You” from another timeline,” said the person, who looked exactly like himself, only with long hair.

    “Archivist” showed him around the building, a” lighthouse”, which he explained was a tower meaning to guide ships back to shore and away from the danger of the reef hiding. Archivist then showed Legatus around and all the way up to the lighting room. They can hear the waves crashing into each other. Archivist told him more of the current timeline, where nothing has yet to crash because of pollution and radiation. It was a peaceful era. No war, no deadly nature to be fought for a living.

    Archivist suggested Legatus take some time for rest and explore this world, which he believes will be fascinating for him to discover by himself.

    Legatus accepted the idea, part of him was charmed by the atmosphere, part of him just longing for a good rest.

    Weeks went by swiftly, now he had a little companion, a dog he picked up one night by the coast. He had found himself a job that allowed him to work at home. He seldom goes out, since it would be shocking for 2 “Archivist” to appear in different places at the same time. Luckily, people weren’t so familiar with the lonesome lighthouse keeper anyways, so he could get by even when he accidentally run into someone.

    Archivist spent most of his time in the lighting room, where he does some reading and writing as well. They don’t interfere with each other too much, but still sometimes share meals and drinks together.
    Once Archivist mentioned maybe leaving the place and going for the mountains, rivers and lakes, and other big cities as well, so many cultures to experience. His eyes were so lively while imagining the adventure. Legatus was intrigued as well. They decided to wait for a bit, till the weather allows them to cover themselves up with long sleeves, scarves, and hats.

    … It's the 3rd bust of crime over the past month. The police seemed to have a hold of the mastermind of the group that calls themselves “Matryrists”…

    Legatus jumped from his chair, turning up the volume. He had somehow forgotten about the whole thing. But as the news continued, it seems the group was almost coming to an end. But he dug himself for investigation anyways, as he had now learned how the “internet” works. Somehow he did not want to tell Archivist about this. “He doesn’t look like a soldier anyway”, he thought to himself, “might as well not worry him.”

    3 days later, he got a text from Archivist.
    “Meet me at “this address” at 8 am, I got a surprise for you”

    Legatus was a bit confused, but he drove Archivist’s car to the place anyways.
    There was a warehouse, with the door slightly opened. Something doesn’t seem right, he prepared himself for a fight, only to peak into the door to see a battle that was finished.

    He walked in to find Archivist, just to find a body that was losing warmth, without a heartbeat.

    He saw Archivist’s hand holding on to something.

    A note saying:
    “I guess if you did see this note, then I must have failed again. This time for the last time. I’m just tired.
    You’re up to your own now. No more ‘Martyrist”, no more responsibility of yours.
    You can take the lighthouse job, or maybe go on the trip we’ve talked about before. Anyways is up to you.
    Explanation can be found at the lighthouse, but I don’t recommend that. You should just live your own path from now on.
    Hope you and doggo have a blast of your lives.
    PS: Coffee at the town is actually pretty good, I know you don’t really drink them, but you should give it a try anyways.”

    Legatus took Archivist home.

    --------Chose your path---------
    1. To find out
    2. Not to find out

    ----------To find out--------------

    He found the passage to a chamber from Archivist’s room. There was hundreds of memory cards. Each of them was a “Legatus” Archivist met at a different timeline. “Archivist” was not a cyborg, but an Imprint, programed by another “Legatus”. His objective was to carry the will, and assist “Legatus”. Non of the memory saved past 20xx/02/08.
    “Legatus” never made it through.

    “I’m getting tired, which is strange for an Imprint. “ Archivist said in the video he recorded numbered 2333, “maybe I will do something different next time.”

    Legatus clicked on the latest video.

    “Well, since you still decided to check out for yourself, Legatus, sure, here’s the story.” Archivist said, “ I drugged you for a month. So that I could run through your decisions, live as the story of ‘Legatus’ I’ve seen for thousands of times. Actually and surprisingly it worked. I’ve never made any differences in ‘your’ storyline before, no matter what. Well, I took the roll, and hopefully ended for real this time. It is definitely the last try of mine. It’s been too long. Good luck on whatever you wish for then. The story is left for you to create.”

    -----------Not to find out-------------

    Legatus sat in the lighthouse for a long time. As the night fell, he stood up, steering the light to keep an eye on the sea. He stared into the darkness, which the light divided through.

    He let his mind run empty, it was a first for him to be so unsure of what to do. By the time the sun rose, he took a walk with doggo as his usual routine. But he went to the town this time.

    Mindlessly walking through the streets, he found the coffee shop around the corner. A purple hair young man was brewing the drinks so concentratedly. There were also and bright yellow haired young man wearing the police uniform yawning in the store, and a brown hair man sitting in front of him. A passenger carrying a guitar walked by the store and greeted all of them in the shop.

    Legatus was drawn by the scene, so familiar as if it was something he have always knew and done. He stood in the middle of the road.
    Then his gaze met with the heterochromia violet eyes.

    Thank you for reading

    BGM and Muse from these songs:
    Archivist—Lighthouse keeper / Time after time by Sam smith
    Legatus— The lighthouse by Halsey / Die for me by Post Malone
    Eyes closed by Halsey
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