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    Welcome (*゚∀゚)っ☆☆
    this is @hi_farichi 's poipiku account.
    I post my arts here but mostly my ship♡♡
    🥩🚨 , 💥🦦 , 🧡💙 (no Switch)

    ☆quiet follow Send AirSkeb request Yell with Emoji 💖 👍 🎉 😍
    POIPOI 17


    ☆quiet follow

    ⚠️Omegaverse AU⚠️
    Omega!Rai nesting in Alpha!Taka's clothes when he's in heat but his Alpha was away

    The tweet makes me thinks about how Rai secretly love Taka-san's scent, also gave me an AU idea


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