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    ☆quiet follow Yell with Emoji 💖 👍 🎉 😍
    POIPOI 13


    ☆quiet follow

    Ronald of Ness x Mr.Inference
    English ver.


    Count Down"You are like a dandelion floating aimlessly in the wind", Norton said once to him.

    "Uh" His comrade-in-arms left his food back on his plate —a big steak he had that day as a reward from his superiors after a mission accomplished. He focused on the words of the aspiring actor crossing his arms over his chest, looking at him with a perplexed gaze. He wasn’t comprehending at all what Norton was trying to tell him.

    A simple answer that didn’t stop the black-haired guy from continuing to say what was on his mind.

    "You always move without restrictions, almost unattainable" Every time Norton looked at him from behind, so ready to achieve his goals, to leave everything in the field, something clicked on his insides, an inexplicable feeling sheltering on his chest. Like a hummingbird attracted to the sweet nectar of life, the inexperienced soldier unconditionally followed him everywhere, not questioning a word or a thought of the experienced soldier, sometimes ignoring the fact he was one year older than Naib. But there wasn’t much a man like him could do more than follow orders; they were in a cruel world forced to live in. Killing or being killed were the only two options, and he chose to live.

    Those little moments together in that bubble he could assure was only for them , meant everything to someone who dreamed with the big stages of Europe, wishing someday to become another shining star in the sky of fame and wealth, and not only to find a comfortable life a man like himself could only grasp in the corners of his dreams but also... maybe , give a secure future to the man in front of him, cursed with the same kind of life as him, forced to serve for a country who didn't deserve him at all.

    And somehow, the comparison with the flower made even more sense than before. He was unable to move by his own will, just like the dandelion was dragged to an unknown future by the winds, just like them.

    "You are crazy," Naib chuckled at his mention, shaking his head. As lovely as it sounded, it wasn't realistic. "You are a hopeless romantic, but in war, there is no space for poems, only survival"

    "Well, art is also a way of survival, don't you think" Inclining by the brunet's seat side, Norton side-smiled at him, waiting for the moment the deep blue eyes gazed away, not able to fight him back.

    As a matter of words, Naib was always a shy one.

    Just like the ravenett expected, the brunet looked away, a pair of embarrassed cheeks proving Norton's theory.

    "You really are unattainable to me" He whispered to himself.

    ( 2 )

    He wished he had enjoyed those times together more often than he did; feeling the warming sunlight bathing their skin, the dancing steps of Norton every time they were alone, the cozy feeling embracing him with the illusional and romantic words the actor loved to profess to the world. If he had done it, maybe he wouldn’t be now regretting his choices as he dragged his body out of the battlefield, his left leg feeling numb, almost imperceptible to the touch. He was sure the enemy’s attack damaged his nerves and even maybe his tendons too, but little he cared right now about his wounds and scars. The only thing that mattered was reaching the side of an almost unrecognizable man laying with his face facing the sky.

    At the proximity of Subedar, the man turned his nostalgic gaze at him, the blood running through his face almost blurring the sight of the man by his side.

    "You... a-are alive"

    Hearing Norton's words were like a soothed melody keeping him sane from all that cruelty surrounding them. Yes, both of them were alive... But at what cost What about the rest The smell of blood and death flooded the battlefield.

    Were they... deserved to be alive while others kissed the bittersweet embrace of death

    Tears flowed through his eyes. No matter how experienced he was in battle, the pull of a trigger was enough to end everything. And now he and Campbell...


    "W-what are we supposed to do" The brunet hit the ground with his bleeding fist, another wound added to the list.

    Campbell was in silence for a while, his heartbeat being the only proof he was still alive. Then a sight came from his chest, close to where Naib was laying with his face on the dirt and his tears and blood sticking to his face.

    "That song..."


    "R-remember the song we danced together... the other night" Not waiting for an affirmation, knowing that Subedar was listening to him, Campbell continued: "Can you... sing it to me"

    Something shrunk on his insides when he listened to that petition. Under different circumstances, Naib would have refused such an embarrassing request, but now... hanging between life and death, he rolled on his back, trying to endure the best he could his broken leg, then both soldiers stayed shoulder next to shoulder, admiring how pretty was the blue sky, so contrasting with the red painting the field all around them.

    Naib reached Norton’s hand, squeezing it as they closed their eyes, and a humming melody came from the brunet’s mouth, letting the drowsiness drag him to the uncertainty of an unknown future.

    Would he wake up again

    ( 1 )

    "You need to fight in order to survive " Naib’s words resonated in the deeper sides of his brain.

    His body hurt, his soul was broken; everything in him was slowly fading away to the point that he wasn't sure if he could make it anymore.

    The only thing keeping him from falling into the abyss was those memories and the voice of the man singing a lullaby to him. That was the last time he felt he was part of the living world. But now he wasn't sure anymore.

    Was he really alive

    Were all those memories just the projection of his delusion

    Whatever it was, it kept him hanging to the only hope a man like him could have— pushing him to the memories of a pair of teal eyes and a melancholy smile: Naib Subedar.

    Suddenly, the well-known song coming from a close radio was lulling him, dragging his body back to reality; pushing him to open his eyes and see the world again.

    Then a gasp hit him with a touch of reality.

    All the gazes were suddenly on him. With his gold eye, the soldier inspected his surroundings, noticing everything seemed too bright and too painful for him. Then he touched his left side, noticing how a bandage was covering half of his face, realizing the aching source was that side of his head.

    How much time has passed already Judging by the expression of the doctors and nurses, a lot.

    But he didn't care much about that; as fast as his memories were coming back, Norton only wondered one thing: Where was Naib Subedar

    Was he...

    "Ugh..." A sudden burnt sensation on his left side took him out of his thoughts, and made him realize that indeed everything that happened on the battlefield was real —the bomb exploding on his face, Naib singing to him, the warming sensation of Naib's hand on his when he was passing out, everything was real.

    Things happened fast in that state, and soon, just like the blink of an eye, with only a few days more of recovery passing through his sight, he was sent back to the quarters, to wait for the decision about his future in the army.

    But the only thing he questioned once and over and over —and over, over, over— was: where was Naib Subedar when he needed him the most

    The first lights of sunshine were reflected in the room, giving him the sensation that for the first time , he needed to fight in order to stay alive.

    "Where did you go..."

    He wouldn't stop praying to see him again.

    ( 0 )

    The stage lights were all over him while he practiced the new drama he had been working on for a long time after the incident that ended with the unfortunate death of Lady Bella. His job now as a director has opened many doors he never thought would be possible, but you see, with the respect of the long-gone actress, he couldn’t be happier nowadays.

    For the first time, he achieved the goal he had always dreamed of reaching.

    The sky wasn’t his limit anymore, and he was sure with every drama and show, the Golden Rose Theater would lead him to infinite new worlds.

    He was finally a star in the sky of riches and famous.


    A sudden clap behind him took him out of his interior monologue, and the man known by his pompous red suit and flamboyant feathered hat, turned to meet the source of disruption, being received by such a mysterious gaze; a man dressed in greens and browns, carrying with him a cane on one hand and a pipe on his mouth.

    A radiant smile took the actor’s expression, and with open arms, he walked in the direction of the younger man.

    “Detective Honoring us with your delightful presence once again”

    “Ronald,” The well-known Mr.Inference took the pipe out of his mouth, the smoke being expelled to a side, while he was received by a pair of strong arms embracing him in a tight hug by a taller man. “I received your letter this morning”

    “Then there is so much to do before dinner And this time you are not allowed to leave after a few cups of wine”

    With a shake of his head, a chuckle, and a subtle smile from part of the detective, both men walked toward the bar, Ronald making sure to entertain his company as much as the time that night permitted him.

    And not only that. Ronald this time would be sure to not let anyone else decide his path again. None other than himself, and maybe… a certain detective walking by his side too.

    They wouldn’t be dandelions dancing in the winds anymore.

    They would become sunflowers rising to the sky.

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