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    春四季 • ガスレン • 燐ニキ

    ☆quiet follow Yell with Emoji 💖 👍 🎉 😍
    POIPOI 2


    ☆quiet follow

    I did it, i finished a fic!! this was my first GastRen fic so it might be a ooc for some.. but i can asure you that i kept rereading stories to make sure it's not ooc and enjoyable i read!!


    Missing Your Presence | ガスレン / GastRenMissing Your Presence

    Gast Adler x Ren Kisaragi – Helios Rising Heroes
    Tags : Angst, Fluff, all that good stuff

    Ren Started enjoying Gast’s presence more and more each day, but on the other hand Gast tries to talk or be around Ren for as little as possible.


    It was Sunday 10 am, Ren just woke up that day, usually Gast would try to wake him up and carry him for training, but Gast lets Ren Sleep during Sundays, so it was normal. Gast was already dressed, although he buns his hair this time which was rare, "..I guess he didn’t have time to style it like usual." He was drinking coffee while reading some news, Although, Ren felt a bit off.

    Gast would usually say good morning and stuff but he didn’t. Ren didn’t think to much of it though and went straight to the bathroom to wash his face and put on some fresh pair of clothes. He wore a t-shirt with a light blue cardigan. He just wanted to dress comfy and warm that day. He swore Gast looked at him for a slight second before looking back to whatever he’s doing
    “Why isn’t Gast talking to me…” Ren asked himself, it was a really weird way to start the morning but Ren doesn’t want to look desperate or anything, he got some coffee and sat on his bedside to drink.

    Gast kept minding his own business and it kind of made Ren feel heated. as If he’s annoyed. The Room was pretty much too silent because Gast is literally there. he would just ramble about something to Ren like he usually does but he didn’t.

    Frustrated, Ren stood up and put his empty coffee cup unto his bedside table.

    “… I’m going out” Ren didn’t want to be disgrace himself like that. why would he spoke first To Gast of all people, but he wants to hear Gast’s voice, he didn’t know why he just wants to.

    “oh Okay then Ren” Gast replied, didn’t even look at him.

    “What the fuck..” Ren thought to himself, "why is he acting like this, has he always been like this Am I delusional" He just stood there before finally leaving the room.

    “what the hell. why isn’t he being all… where are you going Ren... why isn’t he looking out for me like he usually does… And why isn’t he looking at me.. …..he probably grew tired of me.. can’t blame him.. I’m better alone anyways.”

    Ren then went to sit near the vending machine, which was the vending machine Gast likes to visit, and got him some drink too. He sat there looking all pale and blank.

    “What is this feeling... it’s painful.”
    All memories seem to be coming back to him, is he losing Gast... does Gast even like me Do I like Gast"

    the more he thinks of Gast he can feel his eyes getting heavier and heavier Before he knew, tears were dropping from his eyes.
    Ren quickly wiped it a way. brushing the annoying feeling off. He then went outside to clear his mind and catch some fresh air.

    A few hours had passed ever since Ren left, Gast got concerned, the reason he talked less to Ren earlier was because he thought Ren was uncomfortable with him being all talkative, maybe it was his past trauma again.

    Despite having many friends Gast felt somewhat warm around Ren. Sometimes he would catch a glimpse of Ren’s small smile, it’s quite rare to see but every time he does, his heart just beats.

    Gast wanted to check in and call Ren but something is forcing him not to.
    He decides to head to the gym, train a little, clear his mind.

    The sun has started to Set, Gast went to straight to his room to shower and just relax, on the way there he stumbled across Ren who’s walking towards their room as well. Gast was about to say something but, something had stopped him from doing so it was his thoughts again.

    shortly after Gast entered the room. Ren immediately got into the bed and covered himself with blanket. not wanting to be seen by Gast

    “.. no, he needs some alone time” Gast reassured himself and went straight to the shower. It was a really awkward situation for the both of them, Gast being too scared to bother Ren, and Ren who’s too embarrassed and shy to express his feelings. Both genuinely care for each other, it just seems they had a little falling out recently.

    Gast then got off the shower, he puts on some fresh clothes, it’s not even close to 8 pm and he isn’t sleepy either, He really wants to talk to Ren, but should he Will he bother Ren again like last time “Fuck it.” He said

    after gaining some courage Gast decides to finally speak to Ren again

    “Ren.. want to play darts”

    “…” That caught Ren by surprise, he even flinched a bit under the cover, which Gast clearly sees. Seeing Ren moving like that amuses Gast a whole lot.

    “wait... why is he talking to me again... did I overthink it... or is he just going to ignore me again… I’m not going to answer…” Ren said to himself still covering himself with his blanket. he then heard footsteps moving closer and closer to his side of the room, his heart beats as the footsteps got closer.

    “Hey Ren, y’know.. kinda missin’ you here.. heh.. maybe we can talk a bit”

    “..s-sure” Ren replied, he wasn’t planning on saying anything but he got excited it just slips. Ren then uncovers himself, trying to keep a Poker face but Gast can clearly see he’s pouting.

    “Cute.. why is he so cute” Gast held his urge to just scream seeing Ren act like that. although he can see that Ren’s eyes are a little swollen, he didn’t know why, but he won’t ask. Not now.

    “there’s this really cute Persian cat video I saw online She’s real fluffy I saved it because I wanted to show you it” Gast then sat closer to Ren so that they can watch the video together on his phone.

    “… he saved it for me…” Ren smiled, " he moved his attention the video Gast saved on his phone, it’s a genuinely cute video that made ren smile.
    All the pain he had earlier that day are suddenly lifted, being around Gast, being together, feeling his warmth. Made Ren really happy.

    Seeing Ren’s adorable smile, made Gast’s heart beats more and more..

    “I’m falling for him aren’t i…”

    Ren notices Gast’s gaze and looks back at him. They just looked at each other with sparkles in their eyes. not even realizing that they had shared a kiss together at that moment.

    it was innocent and pure kiss, it filled with uncertainties, with a dash of hope. their lips slowly parted, Ren was blushing Red realizing thet just kissed. to be fair Gast was too, but he didn’t care.

    He stole another kiss from Ren, this time a bit more demanding and passionate, Gast ran his hands across Ren’s hair, and so does Ren to Gast’s long hair. Those two lips then parted once more.

    “Ren, I like you.. I really do..” Gast bravely spoke out.

    “…. Why aren’t you talking to me then..” Ren looked directly at Gast as tears flows down his eyes again.

    “Ren... I’m sorry, I didn’t want to bother you or annoy you.. I thought I could avoid conflict this way, but all I did is hurt you-” Gast replied blaming everything to himself

    “…it’s not your fault.. I’m never brave enough to express my real emotions, I ignore you all the time and yet, you talk to me.. you also look out for me… I was bothered when you said that you wanted a girlfriend and when I realized you were nice to everyone in general.. even so, I can’t seem get rid of this feeling.. I kept falling for you.” Ren somehow managed to talk out everything, how he really feel about Gast, how his heart beats, how his face warms up everytime Gast was beside him.

    Using his finger Gast wiped Ren’s tears.
    “I kept falling for you too. Ren. none of this was your fault too, we had a misunderstanding.. you're brave enough to say all that, i admire you, Kisaragi. ” Gast said with a gentle smile as he reassures Ren.

    They then spent all night watching videos and just talking with eachother, now trusting each other more, no more one sided feelings, no more fake hopes.
    The feelings, the emotions, it’s real, all of it are.”

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