jayy 🧋DONE jayy 🧋PROGRESSgorou is so adorable!! jayy 🧋PROGRESSJust some zongchi sketch~~ jayy 🧋PROGRESSthreesome sketch. jayy 🧋PROGRESSanother sketch i will put into my endless wip folder. jayy 🧋DONEsexy ayato! ! 🔞 jayy 🧋PROGRESSsketch,, artblock hitting hard atm. jayy 🧋DONEI need to learn how to shade skin so base colors & some wanna be shading in the hair is all I can do. jayy 🧋PROGRESSdrawing bj is so much harder then I expected.. wip! jayy 🧋PROGRESSused a reference!! 1