TaydangSDOODLEPw: DM me or slove this problem F(x) = { x+40 ; x <400 { f(f(x-45) ; x >(or =) 400(x is greater than or equal to 400) Then Find the value of f(450)(Hint: This problem have pattern) 5 TaydangSDOODLESketch わびみか in winter 4 TaydangSDOODLEインキュバス みか 2 TaydangSCAN’T MAKE!!not official!! !!Fanmade/trace!!*ファンメイド/トレース*Just do it for fun no intention to make people misunderstoodただ楽しむためだけにやるのであって、誤解を招く意図はないしますCross over/クロスオーバー(AんすたとAルゴ -> Felixさんとヴぁ) 2 TaydangSDOODLEShumika profAU18⬆️? 8 TaydangSDOODLEこはだい18⬆️? 3 TaydangSDOODLE宗みかFrench kissing 4 TaydangSDOODLELanguages: EngShumika/profAU 12 TaydangSDONE夏つむ Hint:Tell the "kingdom" from the following clues1)no nuclear membrane 2)It can be further divided into 2 subspecies: ancient bacteria and common bacteria. Tell me what kingdom this is 47 1