avarice017 30↑mego/めご/芒果。成人済みNo one under eighteen symbol。中文/EN ok、日本語が下手。風花雪月/シルフェリsylvix/ディミレスdimileth。Do not repost or reuse my drawings ☆quiet follow Yell with Emoji POIPOI 156
avarice017DOODLER18シルフェリ/NSFW sylvixback practice 4 avarice017DONEstrowill manga. Please read first page disclaimer 18 avarice017DOODLEstrowill manga wip avarice017DOODLEスト主 strowillpost ending spoiler with some mob nobles. avarice017DOODLEスト主 strowillpost 9/24 SPOILER!!!!! 3 avarice017DOODLEMetaphor 4 comaMajor spoiler on Skybound Avatar dungeon avarice017DOODLER18シルフェリ/NSFW sylvixcream pie time avarice017DOODLER18シルフェリ/NSFW sylvixsudden urge to draw Duke Fraldarius (getting dicked) avarice017DOODLER18シルフェリ/nsfw sylvixI just want to draw Felix being pinned down avarice017DOODLE😇x👿 & 😈x😇 R18デフォルメ注意nsfw chibi 6 avarice017DOODLESumou-san's Felineko log 2202301~202405 31 avarice017DOODLER18シルフェリ/NSFW sylvixthey couldn't wait till they're back at camp (or maybe because they can only do this when they're not at camp?) avarice017DOODLEsss 6 avarice017DOODLEnsfw sylvix/R18シルフェリsome bunny Sylvain and wolf Felix兎シルx狼フェリ avarice017DOODLER18シルフェリ/NSFW sylvixdogboy Sylvain x catboy Felix. Please read 2nd page for warning!Open until 2023/6/12 30 avarice017DOODLER18シルフェリ/NSFW sylvix1104 so I want to draw some ass avarice017DOODLER18シルフェリ/NSFW sylvixMargrave and Duke need some private time avarice017DONER18G Sylvix/シルフェリcw: blood, implied cannibalism血表現、暗黙の共食いご注意くださいSpecial comic for Halloween.PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS 6 avarice017DOODLEHappy Halloween~4 pages comic plus some related doodles 8 avarice017DOODLEMusou/3 Hopes sylvix comic 19 avarice017DOODLEk&n 20 avarice017DOODLENSFW sylvix/ R18シルフェリFelix peach practice avarice017DOODLER18シルフェリ/NSFW sylvixmaid outfit for both. Happy belated maid day avarice017DOODLER18 シルフェリ/NSFW sylvixbeach time with merFelix avarice017DOODLER18 シルフェリ/NSFW sylvixWar phase and musou Felix teasing academy Sylvain...with their mouths and tongues avarice017DOODLER18シルフェリ / NSFW sylvix無双 3 hopes doodle avarice017DONE2023.02.20 Happy Birthday Felix! Even though this has nothing to do with his bday, I just want to celebrate with R18 comic. 12 avarice017DOODLER18シルフェリ/NSFW sylvixChristmas stuff 4 avarice017DOODLESumou-san's Felineko log Drawn and upload with Sumou-san's permission. Thank you! 20 avarice017DOODLENui, Syldog and Felicat log 18 avarice017DOODLEThis is based on Mikan-san's fic which is about Felix's birthday. Thank you for letting me draw this! 25 avarice017DOODLEline 24 avarice017DOODLE2022 Halloween comicPlease read warning on first page! 9 avarice017DOODLER18シルフェリ/NSFW sylvixJust want to draw size difference avarice017DOODLErough 24 avarice017DOODLEFF 2 avarice017DOODLER18シルフェリ/NSFW sylvixWar phase Felix in bf shirt. Slight variation in 2nd pic.Sylvain knows when he's hitting the right spot 2 avarice017DOODLER18シルフェリ/NSFW sylvix3 Hopes sylvix. Sylvain teasing Duke Fraldarius avarice017DOODLE2022.09.03 至情は盾と共に4 (SylFeli Online Only Event) web comicOriginally I wanted to try drawing s/e/x mark trope but in the end it's not really that at all...I'm sorry.I will try harder next time. 9 avarice017DOODLE2022.09.03 至情は盾と共に4の展示まんがです。ぼちさんのおかげで、日本語に翻訳されました!元々は淫紋を描きたいが、結局はあまり淫紋の要素がないのですみません...ただただIQ2のえっちなまんがです。次回はもっと頑張ります。 9 avarice017DOODLER18シルフェリ/NSFW sylvxIt's a hot day and they just want to make it even hotter 8 avarice017DOODLER18シルフェリ/NSFW sylvixFelix 🍑appreciation avarice017DOODLER18シルフェリ/NSFW Sylvix0721 Duke Felix is busy avarice017DOODLE3 Hopes SB Spoiler: After ch 14 battleCW: character death, angstI have a lot of feels for that battle... 6 avarice017DOODLEnyo 11 avarice017DOODLER18無双シルフェリ/NSFW 3 hopes SylvixSylvain helping the duke jerk off avarice017DOODLER18無双シルフェリ/NSFW sylvix3 Hopes setting where someone slipped aphrodisiac in Felix's drink. Sylvain helps out. 19 avarice017DOODLER18シルフェリ/NSFW sylvixBJ. Felix's turn to feast 1234