chiruTMDOODLEA3 yumepw: ship name chiruTMDOODLE// a3yumepw: ship name chiruTMDOODLE// a3 yumepw: ship name chiruTMDOODLE// a3 yumecringe warning !!pw: ship name :V chiruTMDOODLEWARNING: SUGGESTIVEnot a ship! (it's yume)password: character's name chiruTMDOODLEWarning: suggestivepw: character name chiruTMDONE( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) chiruTMDOODLEWarning: suggestivecame from talking with a friend.... what did we talk about? who knows ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)hint: 6+12 = chiruTMDOODLE chiruTMDOODLE 4 chiruTMDONE(yes / no) chiruTMDOODLE chiruTMDOODLE足cw: suggestive(yes/no) chiruTMDOODLEキスis the pw chiruTMDOODLEcringe warning!a3yume or some sort(yes/no) chiruTMDOODLEplease be careful when you're holding your drink 4 chiruTMDOODLEsmol boi J 3 chiruTMDOODLEkouichi-kun 2 chiruTMDOODLEThe Physics Behind J's Hair 2 chiruTMDOODLEハグの日 4 chiruTMDOODLEキスpw: my name 3 chiruTMDOODLEhand holdingpw: my name 3 chiruTMDOODLEpart 2cringe warning 5 chiruTMDOODLEpart 1 3 chiruTMDOODLEcringe warning, my name 3 chiruTMDOODLEoc indulgence. 4 chiruTMDOODLEa little extra info on 2 people 4 chiruTMTRAININGunclothed version, yes or no? 2 1