ZehnDOODLE ZehnDOODLEI've been thinking about this scenario for so long.🤭 but the difference is before, i was thinking about Nasiens getting kidnapped. now I'm thinking that Diodora will send Nasiens to the purgatory.🤓 2 ZehnDOODLEKiane moments but as Persiens 🥰 ZehnDOODLEPose! ZehnDOODLESketches that i told myself I'd definitely finish... 🥱 13 ZehnPROGRESSI don't know how to arrange the flowers... ZehnDOODLEI admit. I'm a pervert... 3 ZehnDOODLEJokes ZehnPROGRESSI'm gonna finish this when I have a free time... 😅I'm very busy lately since it's the final week of the semester and I have a lot of assignments to do. ZehnDOODLENasiens in my oc fit. i like drawing on paper, but it is unsymmetrical when I mirror it. ಠ︵ಠ ZehnDOODLE ZehnDOODLEI'm sorry. ZehnDOODLEThe sketch, and how it turns out. IDK what happened. 👁️👄👁️ 2 ZehnDOODLELadies ✨I somehow made ann too tall..ueueueueueueueueueue ZehnDOODLENew guinea pig ZehnDONEI got lazy midway so, consider this done. 😁I took the ch.197 of 7ds as reference. 2 ZehnDOODLEAnother one of scissor seven! ZehnDOODLESomething happened today and I can't focus on my report. (the due is tomorrow I'm cooked) so i decided to draw this to calm down. 😂 Probably should draw short king instead of this one? 😅 ZehnDOODLEKiller Seven! I'm gonna draw it digitally later... (when i have time) 1