avarice017 30↑mego/めご/芒果。成人済みNo one under eighteen symbol。中文/EN ok、日本語が下手。風花雪月/シルフェリsylvix/ディミレスdimileth。Do not repost or reuse my drawings ☆quiet follow Yell with Emoji POIPOI 156
avarice017DOODLEHijiOkiSPOILER ALERTSERIOUSLY DON'T READ THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED 4 avarice017DOODLE13 Sentinels HijiOkiI don't think there is any spoiler but just in caseSuper rough sorry I don't have the energy to make this neater. Anyway I just likes these two boys avarice017DONEr18/nsfw sylvix シルフェリsanta getting his riding lesson avarice017DONER18 えっちな絵自分が選ぶの4枚nswf 4 picks for this year 4 avarice017DOODLER18 nsfw sylvix/ シルフェリ Siren Felix riding SylvainSpoiler on Legendaerie's fic Far From Shore. This is all I can think about after reading. avarice017DOODLER18 NSFW sylvix シルフェリtw: slight bloodvampire boyfriends feasting on each other avarice017DOODLER18 NSFWTentacles x Felix触手xフェリMy contribution to monsterfuck weekend avarice017DOODLER18 NSFW sylvix/シルフェリDuke and Margrave having some fun with lingerie avarice017DOODLER18 nsfw sylvix シルフェリ(人魚フェリ)Scene from Legendaerie's fic Far From Shore ch.7 https://archiveofourown.org/works/24361882/chapters/66259481Go check it out if out if you like mer!Felix! avarice017DOODLER18 NSFW sylvix シルフェリmer!Felix 人魚フェリquick doodle for today~ avarice017DOODLER18 NSFW sylvix シルフェリThat idea Felix's neighbor can't keep quiet so Sylvain suggest they just need to be louder. 2 avarice017DOODLER18 nsfw slvxShower scene from waffle's fic Asking for Trouble ch.2 https://archiveofourown.org/works/26944033/chapters/66007204This is prob. the most interesting pose I've ever drawn avarice017DOODLER18 NSFW Sylvix シルフェリFelix's ponytail sways...I think this turned out more crack than sexy, sorry Sylvain avarice017TRAININGr18/nsfw academy sylvixシルフェリ69 practice. The point of formal wear is so you can make it messy...right? avarice017DOODLER18 NSFW シルフェリ/sylvix even though you can't see Sylvain's faceHair grabbing...this is all that's on my today because Felix is too sexy in high ponytail avarice017DOODLER18 NSFW Sylvix シルフェリBased on the extra snippet waffles wrote for the SPN AU. I had fight fire with fire that's all. avarice017DOODLER18 NSFW SylvixシルフェリThere are some oc characters talking. Sylvain has an after battle reputation which people failed to guess that Felix is involved 4 avarice017DOODLER18 NSFW Monsterfucking slvxSylvain is a fox獣姦、狐シル注意 3 avarice017DOODLER18 nsfw sylvix/シルフェリA little bird asked me for sweet nsfw so this is my attempt for their first time and Sylvain is trying to be tender 2 avarice017DOODLER18 nsfw dogboy!Sylvain catboy!FelixThey are just animals. Might be cont. to the comic last timeI've been wanting to try this kind of paneling for a while...it's...harder than I thought 2 avarice017DOODLER18 nsfw Idolvain AUcont to that pic where Sylvain found out Felix is hard after seeing his performance8/17 Update: added 2 more pages 6 avarice017DOODLEWarning: armpit lickingNSFW R18 SylvixJust want to thank the anon for writing that fic so I decided to put this back up. Added a 4th pic inspired by the fic.しるへり腋、尻舐めご注意ください 4 avarice017DOODLEnsfw sylvix I'm just trying to practice drawing nips and flipping head back etc. Sylvain is a little mean but he's right 2 avarice017DOODLEnsfw I just want to draw Felix nips avarice017DOODLEr18 nsfw sylvix/シルフェリaaaaaand finally drawing them in the library"Hey Felix. Remember that time we almost got caught in the library? Wanna do it again?" avarice017DOODLEr18 nsfw sylvix/シルフェリSato's delinquent Sylvain/detective Felix AU because I felt like drawing collar and also want to somewhat try background avarice017DOODLEr18 nsfw sylvix/シルフェリIdolvain AU, Sylvain giving Felix bj after their session...it's his reward for doing everything perfect.Ran out of space but Sylvain is also fingering in the 3rd one 3 avarice017DOODLER18 NSFW sylvix/シルフェリdogboy Sylvain/catboy Felixsuper rough because it's pure self-indulgence. No plot, just Sylvain in rut, they are animals7/26 finished with 17p total. Thanks for reading!! :)) 17 avarice017DONER18 NSFW dogboy/catboy sylvixI just want to draw knotting and overflowing avarice017DONER18 NSFW sylvix/シルフェリBeach Sylvain x Summer Dancer Felixlap dance (summer ver.), 2nd pic is slight variation of the 1stAgain I didn't design summer Felix! I'm just drawing h0rnies! 2 avarice017DONER18 NSFW sylvix/シルフェリBeach Sylvain x Summer Dancer FelixI did not design Felix's summer dancer version, I just want them to have a good time avarice017TRAININGR18 NSFW sylvix/シルフェリ*dogboy Sylvain/ catboy Felix*Sylvain is in a rut*they help each other outI've been wanting to try to draw the position in the 2nd panel for a while hehe avarice017TRAININGnsfw sylvixpose practice avarice017DOODLER18 nsfw sylvix/シルフェリDog Sylvain knotting cat Felix avarice017DOODLEnsfw sylvixnot a direct scene from the fic by amonglilies but very heavily inspired...I want to see Felix in nothing but Sylvain's jacket when they do it avarice017DOODLEnot quite r18 but with nsfw energy I guess?self indulgence beach sylvix/シルフェリ I just did this super fast. Please we need more of them doing it at the beach avarice017DONEr18 nsfw sylvix しるへりSylvain helping Felix put on sunblock... avarice017DONEr18 nsfw sylvix しるへりMore...beach bois......I swear if Felix comes out with swimwear design with a small piece I'm gonna...explode avarice017DONEr18 nsfw sylvix しるへりNothing's showing but they are doing some workout soYes I want to see Sylvain get tanned avarice017DONE #PassionateMargrave2020*英語*R18 nsfw*part of that series (?) where Margrave is helping the Duke relax :))))) avarice017TRAININGsylvix/シルフェリsome practice avarice017TRAININGsylvix/シルフェリMore of Sato's delinquent Sylvain/detective Felix AU.doggo Sylvain at the mercy of his hungry master avarice017TRAININGR18 NSFW sylvix/シルフェリMore だいしゅきホールドpractice and margrave helping the duke relax. 2 avarice017TRAININGR18 NSFW sylvix/シルフェリJust practicing how to show that Syl is giving it hard 2 avarice017TRAININGR18 NSFW Sylvix シルフェリ*Sylvain in collar*picture them in an alley cuz I'm too lazy to draw background avarice017TRAININGr18 nsfw sylvix シルフェリSylvain is a bad doggy, he made a mess avarice017TRAININGnsfw r18 sylvix/シルフェリ this turned out to be body worship I guess avarice017TRAININGsylvix/シルフェリwith nsfw energy. I'm back on the glove vibe. 1234