PROGRESSSadness envelopes me as I realize my file was deleted… here are the progress pics tho 😭 2mtz_ameduccie
DOODLENăng lượng phân ly liên kết I - I trong phân tử l2 là 150,48k mol^-1. Năng lượng này có thể sử dụng dưới dạng ánh sáng. Hãy tỉnh bước sóng ánh sáng cần sử dụng trong quá trình này. (đáp số-đơn vị) 7♡_ラウリイ_♡
DOODLE「父! 何 を している の?!」ホラーさん は 彼 の 娘 アームレストとして使用 🤣
「*静か に して、プリンセス。アームレスト が 喋れない.」
ホラーさん は 素晴らしい お父さん わ! www
DONEHolding hands with girls gives you an attack buff.Most of the stuff I’m uploading is probably going to be old bwaaa.
MENUA redraw from a few years ago, it was one of my first drawings when I bought my first tablet. 4kaelufi
MENUYear of the tiger, the first thing that comes to mind here as a One Piece fan is... Zoro! HahaThe girl next to her is not Luna, her name is Honey.