DONEI love edits and I love Jerome, so why not make a Jerome edit? Well I did, and this is what I made! I’m really happy with it, so I’ll likely use it as a profile picture. 💜🃏💚nibbles7192
DONEPairing(s): Yandere!Jerome Valeska x (Female)ReaderWarning(s): Foul language/Swearing, abuse
(Nothing that you haven’t already seen on Gotham!)
My Chaotic Soulmate【Part 1】Jerome was pushed back by a powerful punch to the gut, anyone else would have the wind knocked out of them; but for him this was a regular occurrence. After years of abuse the pain started to fade, he developed a tolerance. It also helped that he had something to live for, someone to live for. Jerome rolled up the sleeve of his sweater to look at the name on his arm,