My Chaotic Soulmate【Part 1】Jerome was pushed back by a powerful punch to the gut, anyone else would have the wind knocked out of them; but for him this was a regular occurrence. After years of abuse the pain started to fade, he developed a tolerance. It also helped that he had something to live for, someone to live for. Jerome rolled up the sleeve of his sweater to look at the name on his arm,
(Y/n) (L/n).
Jerome Valeska was 11-years-old when he overheard the word “soulmate” by a passerby at the circus he was raised in. The word confused him, so he asked his mother about it. Lila Valeska scoffed at the question, “Basically the universe decides to tie you down to one person that’s supposed to be your ‘true love,’ and that person is your soulmate. It’s bullshit, really.” Lila lit a cigarette and took a drag, disinterested in the topic. Jerome was the opposite, his eyes shone with childish delight, “How do you know who your soulmate is” Lila sighed, “When you turn 16 the name of your soulmate appears on your body like a goddamn tattoo. Now scram, I need to get ready for my show.” Jerome nodded and obediently left, beaming for the first time since his twin brother left and turned everyone against him.
(Y/n) (L/n) loved the circus, so it was just her luck that Haly’s Circus came to Gotham the week of her birthday. Of course her parents took her to the circus to celebrate her big day. As of today (Y/n) is 16, which means she will finally know the name of her soulmate - how exciting
(Y/n)’s POV
As soon as I got to the carnival I took a deep breath, the smell is so unique; just like the people at the carnival are unique. I bounced around as my parents laughed at my energy, “The show is going to start soon, c’mon, lets get popcorn” I held my parents' hands and practically dragged them to the popcorn stand. My parents ended up getting two large popcorns, one for them to share and one all for me (score) I held my popcorn and started walking toward the main tent when my dad told me to stop for a quick picture. I did a little pose for the camera, but that was all it got because I resumed my trek right after.
I swiftly made it into the tent, my parents right behind me. I took a quick look around and noticed three empty seats in a row, “There” I pointed as I made my way over. As soon as the show started I was captivated, and just as soon it was over. I stayed in my seat until everyone else had left aside from me and my parents. “The show’s over (Y/n), so how about we go get some cotton candy” My mom suggested, which definitely got my attention. I bounced up and was about to leave the tent with them when I felt a force stop me. “Actually, I’ll catch up, I’m gonna stay in here a little longer to gather my thoughts.” The words came so naturally to me, though my parents hesitated they did go ahead.
Now alone I sat where I did during the show to question what the hell compelled me to stay. That’s when I heard whistling and the sound of sweeping, the sounds came from the area of the stage. I looked over and I saw the most attractive guy I had ever seen, from where I stood I could only make out that he has pale white skin and ginger hair. That’s when I noticed he was using a broom to clear the floor. ‘Is he the janitor But he looks so young…’ I thought, and I must have started walking while in thought because before I knew it I was staring into green eyes. Oh my heck, we were face to face, I’m such a creep. I blushed, “S-sorry, I don’t know what came over me - I usually don’t stutter by the way - I don’t know why I sAID THAT” The boy laughed, not in a cruel way but rather in amusement. I took pride in this, being funny is one of my best qualities after all. “Easy there doll, if you talk any faster you’ll have all the wannabe rappers within a ten mile radius weeping” The ginger laughed at his own joke and so did I.
“Perhaps that was my intention all along” I said, finding conversation with him to be incredibly easy. The male rolled his eyes, “Sure was sweet cheeks, definitely wasn’t because you got flustered by my good looks.” He said with a bit of suave. “You got me there, circus boy” I smiled and so did he. “The name’s Jerome, Jerome Valeska.” I giggled as Jerome introduced himself with a comical bow. I could tell he was quite the showman, so I gave an air curtsy for my introduction, “I’m (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n).” Jerome froze, which confused me, did he really not like my name that much That’s when a humongous smile spread across his face, I’ve honestly never seen one quite as wide.
“It’s you, of course it’s you - my soulmate” Jerome was giddy with excitement. It was my turn to freeze, ‘Did he just say…’ I wasn’t given any time for comprehension as I was engulfed in a desperate hug. I hugged back immediately, feeling whole now that I’ve found my other half. I felt a tingling sensation on my arm, keeping the other wrapped around Jerome I lifted it up to see a name form where the sensation was. There on my arm was the name,
Jerome Valeska.
- Kayla 🃏(Originally posted to Tumblr on March 25th, 2020 via my sideblog "YandereGotham")
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