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    Freelance Illustrator | Character Designer | Tiny Elf Mama | Lumen DTKH | 20^ | Repost with credits

    ☆quiet follow Send AirSkeb request Yell with Emoji 💖 👍 🎉 😍
    POIPOI 6


    ☆quiet follow

    Big thanks to Safixraga for helping me with the fic!


    Placeholder ( Part 1 )DISCLAIMER ::
    This fanfic contains story spoiler for Holiday Cain Fate Episode. The fanfic itself is not directly related to the main lore of GBF, however, there is a mention of other characters that is related to both Cain and Nabs.
    I hope you enjoy the story

    As the night deepens and now that the captain was there with him, Cain eventually asked Nabs to go with him to enjoy the festivities.

    When Nabs agreed to take his hand, Cain was filled with unbridled joy. Who wouldn’t be, especially when Pholia allowed them to meet Initially, Cain thought his present would be delivered instead he was able to give it personally. Now, as they happened to be together and Nabs agreed to spare some time for them to enjoy the last minutes of the merry festival in the village, Cain couldn’t contain his excitement.

    The main festival might have ended, but the night went on. Adults who were tired from preparing the gifts and stands for kids were now sitting in leisure, cracking open champagne and beers and distributing it among themselves. Some of the stands and stages remained open, likely for anyone who was busy during the day to have fun at night or to purchase anything they couldn’t when kids stormed off the road.

    Apparently, Pholia already filled Nabs in about what had happened mostly in the village, so far that the Sovereign knew about how Cain agreed to help with festivities preparations.

    “It is really nice of everyone to pick you as the leader, Cain. I can see why everything went smoothly.”

    Cain managed a hearty laugh, “You think of me too much, you know, Nabs. I am merely doing my best on things. And it’s not like I can let Pholia’s trust go to ashtray.”

    Nabs looked over the warm village with a smile on her face. Cain spared a knowing glance, following the skyfarer’s relaxed expression as she enjoyed his—no, everyone’s—fruit of labor. Cain might be the one who will be the
    temporary chief to help organize everything and handle each problem the village comes in contact with, but it wouldn’t be the same if everyone - young and old - refused to cooperate.

    “Wait, aren’t those … bandits” Nabs asked as she looked over to the side of the tavern, where big bulky men were drinking their hearts out along with other villagers.

    “Ah, right, Pholia wasn’t here to see when a problem happened, huh” Cain said, recalling when he spotted a retreating bandit once wanting to steal the village’s food stock. “Yeah, those bandits initially wanted to commit further larceny as they were strapped for food, and …”

    Cain recounted the event to Nabs, who listened intently to Cain’s story. There might be a lot of hardships that the village has faced in the past during harsh weather like this and the nest of monsters around the outskirt of village, but this holiday moment and how Cain was able to connect between the bandits’ and villagers’ needs, they now welcomed the bandits warmly to their midst. Of course, it began with a bit of hiccups, but eventually it was all is well that ended well.

    Nabs clapped, “Bravo. That’s a good move.”

    Cain scratched the back of his neck, feeling a bit bashful, “It’s nothing, really I only happened to connect the dots, everything else is basically bandits’ efforts and how the villagers warmed up to them.”

    “You should take more credit, though, Cain.” Nabs added, partly teasing. Cain told her to cut it out.

    As they walked down the village and chatted more to catch up, Cain told Nabs more about how Idelva nowadays, in turn Nabs told Cain about her recent missions. They happened to pass on the only bakery in the village. A table that was set up in front of the shop was vacant of the cakes stacked that Cain saw before, but the bakery was pretty much still open with a few people browsing inside. The aisles showed a selection of cakes and sweet cookies, along with its price.

    Nabs seemed interested in purchasing one, so Cain let her look over the aisle before asking:

    “Which one would you like” / “Which flavor do you want, Cain”

    A pause, then they both laughed as they realized that they asked in about the same time. Guess they really thought of each other in a way, huh

    “Anything’s fine by me, everything looks delicious.” Cain said, looking over the cake selection once again. He had seen when it was baked, and the smell was delightful as he passed by the bakery while doing his rounds around the village.

    “I can’t choose, help me” asked Nabs, her hands literally pointing on each cake.

    Cain laughed.

    “Do you want some for Lyria and others too”

    “Not that many, maybe.” Nabs shook her head. “Perhaps just for a little snack.”

    “Then, hmm, how about the chocolate roll cake on the back” Cain suggested, pointing at the far side of the bunch, a long roll cake shaped like a log but with cute ginger cookies decoration on top, wrapped in red ribbon and topped with mistletoe-like icing. “You can split it into even slices and share it with anyone you want, and it is easier to carry around unlike a big round cake.”

    Nabs pondered for a moment and Cain waited. He smiled to herself to see a moment of Grandcypher’s captain made a confused face. It warmed his heart so, especially as he had not seen Nabs for quite some time.

    A sudden wave of nostalgia washed over Cain, though he remained quiet as Nabs made her decision.

    “Actually, that might be a good idea,” Nabs nodded along, then she noticed something and pulled on Cain’s side. Nabs showed her a poster near the check-out counter. “Oh, hey, Cain. They got a black forest cake set on discount, how about we buy a slice and eat it now”

    “Sure thing” Cain agreed happily.

    Though as they entered the bakery, Cain felt a chill running down his spine. As though someone was watching them. Not wanting to alert Nabs too much, Cain had a last sweep to his back, finding the trees around the shop deserted, except for an inconspicuous shadow lurking near a well-lit bench.

    Cain’s lips formed a thin line. If he remembered correctly, Bai Ze did say Leona should be around the village after helping Nabs with her mission, so that shadow following him must be …

    “Cain What’s wrong” Nabs turned to him, blinking owlishly. There was no sign of her getting suspicious. Rather, she tilted her head innocently to the side. Oh wow, she was so dense

    “Ah, sorry, my coat is stuck”

    Cain quickly followed Nabs inside the bakery, not wanting Nabs to ‘help’ him. He silently cursed to nothingness, taking a mental note to have a good chat with his older sister later after this…


    The cake was nice and fluffy and not as sweet as Cain thought, and the baker was kind enough to throw them a warm tea on the side to complete the delightful slice. Their conversation went on without much hitch, and Cain couldn’t help but to smile all the way as he listened to Nabs.

    “Is there any souvenir stand here, Cain I think I’d love to buy something to remember things by.”

    Cain hummed, thinking for a bit while sipping on his tea. As far as he recalled, there was a flea market near the village entrance, but it should already be closed right now. His only option would be going near the carnival site, where game booths and snack stands should still be open for business. He was thankful that now he remembered the village like the back of his hand due to his temporary work there, that he could pull out suggestions and ideas fast and likely impress Nabs.

    Well, hopefully Nabs was indeed impressed.

    “There’s also a carnival nearby, we can play games later.” Cain enthused. Nabs’ eyes lit up for a bit in excitement. He knew that she was going to love it so much.

    Nabs bought the log roll cake as Cain suggested. She personally asked for it to be wrapped twice before being stored on the box, as she might be afraid she would drop it or something bound to happen as they strolled.

    After wrapping the cake, they exited the bakery. Cain led the way to the carnival site, a big tent on a wide field, with various stands of games and snacks. But before they were going for the games, Cain told Nabs about the souvenir stand as requested. It was not as big as a flea market, but at least there was something for Nabs to browse.

    “Well, there’s nothing much in villages like expensive gems or other wealthy resources, but I must admit, they have good creativity,” Cain showed Nabs one of many socks made of leftover threads from sweater making, also the wood carvings shaped like fir trees. “Oh, there’s also a stone bat there from the bandits, if you want, Nabs.”

    Nabs giggled, “What do you think I’d use a stone bat for, Cain”

    “If you’re bored, you can …” Cain mimicked Leona’s swinging skill when she was angry and about to hit someone. “... play baseball”

    His corny joke somehow made Nabs laugh harder, but Cain regretted kind of having to say that out of blue. That’s not even a good daddy joke

    “I think I’ll take the socks and gloves.” Nabs said, then told the shopkeeper to have it wrapped.

    Cain dutifully waited for her, while looking at Nabs back as she had her fun. At a glance, she was no different like any young woman enjoying the festivities in a village that was once bleak. It was indeed hard work that paid off, and it made Cain’s heart swell in a sense of pride.


    Nabs nodded, “Mm, now let’s go to the games”

    Cain giggled, “Can’t wait for it, huh Let’s go, then.”

    On the contrary in its opening peak, the carnival’s guests were dwindling, only a handful of booths remained open and some villagers—mostly young adults—still tried to play and get the prize and sampled the foods. Nabs, who were fixated on taking in the scenery around her, bumped into a few running kids who were happy to get candies, Cain secured an arm on the captain’s back out of reflex.

    “O-Oh, thank you, Cain.”

    Feeling the warmth of the raven-haired woman on his side got his brain somersaulting in conclusions, but he cleared his throat and played it cool, “You’re welcome, captain.”

    A sudden idea coursed his mind, but he somehow blurted it faster than he could think it over, “How about we hold hands so that you won’t fall”

    It was one of many things that Cain avoided, getting too intimate to Nabs’ liking. To his surprise, though, Nabs welcomed his outstretched hand, and her smaller fingers now twining on his gloved ones.

    Fortunately, as Nabs quickly distracted by the array of game booths before her, Cain could calm down his own racing heart.

    “What should we do first, fishing game”

    “Lead the way, captain.” he managed a wide smile.
    With what could be said as a herculean effort, Cain was able to win a huge cat plushie from the shooting gallery. Yeah, Cain was no marksman - if only he could slash the targets instead - but anything for Nabs. He knew Nabs liked cat plushie, so he was vying for that from the start when they passed the shooting gallery.

    They played various games for a while, though mostly they ended up cheering the local kids from the sidelines as they were about to win the jackpot prize. All in all, it was entertaining, and Cain was glad to see more and more of Nabs’ happy expressions to remember by.

    They walked back to the hill overlooking the village, Nabs clutching on the prize cat plushie tighter. Cain couldn’t help but to wonder what the Grandcypher’s captain was thinking by then. She looked so happy earlier, but then suddenly she went quiet. Then again, it reminded Cain about the past, when they hardly knew each other but Cain already felt that certain pull towards her.

    “Say, Cain. Do you have a resolution for new years”

    They stopped by one of the benches, right below a large pine tree that was decorated by blinking lamps and colored candy canes. The question rendered Cain quiet, but he quickly intercepted. “That’s so sudden.”

    “O-Oh, if you don’t have any, it’s okay.” Nabs interjected. “I’m just curious, since we’ll be in the new year in a few days.”

    Cain exhaled, creating a puff of white to the air. He rolled his eyes, sparing a furtive glance to Nabs’ way before he pulled. “I do, actually.”

    He caught a glimpse of that forlorn expression again, then Nabs buried part of her face to the plushie. “Sadly, I don’t.”

    “... Why not” Cain asked quietly.

    There were a few beats of pause, then Nabs looked up, her eyes glazed in unspent tears. “This will be kind of long … but do you remember when Romeo tied the knot with Juliet”

    Cain remembered hearing that, also he knew painfully well that Romeo of Capulet was Nabs’ crush. He nodded along, and once again, Nabs sighed. “When I saw their wedding, I was happy for them—for him, but at the same time, it is like an open, gaping wound has formed in my heart.”

    Cain’s eyes widened a fraction. Likely a word of consolidation wouldn’t work, so he merely hummed, and let Nabs to continue her story.

    To Cain, Nabs was the bravest woman he had known. To be her strength was something Cain found so honorable. At the same time, however, Cain could always forget that the bravest woman was also someone who could feel the pain of loneliness and parting.

    Nabs told more about how the mixed feeling of Romeo’s wedding had hurt her so, that as she wandered in her travels and distracted herself with affairs of
    Grandcyphers and missions were not enough to stave the pain.

    Though, if Nabs ended up being with Romeo, that means Cain would end up in Nabs’ position, right While Cain couldn’t say he would say outright of how he might have missed Nabs and bared his heart just like the captain did right now, Cain understood that such hollowness in the heart would be too much to bear.

    (That being said, Cain knew that he shouldn’t let this moment go to waste.)

    “Pathetic, isn’t it” her voice shook. “It has been a while since the wedding happened, and here I am, unable to move on …”

    “That’s not true”

    Cain raised his voice enough to startle Nabs, but he wouldn’t apologize for it. He could listen to Nabs going on about her woes, but he wouldn’t let Nabs depreciate herself in front of him.

    Likely noticed his tone and his sudden anger, Nabs opened her lips in sheer shock, “C-Cain”

    “You’re not pathetic for feeling like that, not at all” Cain held both of Nabs’ shoulders, giving it a gentle squeeze. “No matter what happens, or when you’ll waver and unsure, or if you need a shoulder to lend on, I’ll always be there for you, Nabs.”

    Cain let out an exhale, trying to compose himself - he might have scared Nabs out, and it showed from the shift of her expression.

    “Cain …” Nabs blinked. “I-I don’t think you need to be that …”

    “I mean it.” He repeated the words like a vow, and removed himself from Nabs to give her enough distance.

    Confusion was there written all over her pretty face, like she couldn’t help but to wonder why Cain would go to such length for her.

    Then again, Cain had all the answers.

    “Recently you’ve changed, Cain. I feel that you’ve been a bit … strong-headed and more …”

    “... Possessive” Cain stole her thunder, fully in control of his own emotion. “I perhaps am, as I’m faced with someone I love so dearly.”

    There, Nabs’ eyes widened as she yelped. It has been a while now, Cain might add, and this is the moment to tell her how he felt.

    “How …” Nabs’ face grew shades redder. “Since when”

    Now for the grand reveal: “I think it was when there was the first crisis on Idelva, back then you’re still in your child form, right”

    “T-That long”

    Cain only laughed—a good natured, amused laughter. “Yes, that long.”

    As Nabs earlier has detailed her long lost love with Romeo, it was Cain’s turn to bare his. And as Cain explained it, he kept holding on Nabs’ hand, replacing the plushie from the comfort of her proximity.

    He told everything; from when Cain was at first thinking that the feeling may pass eventually, to the point that he was sad that he couldn’t leave Idelva and travel with Nabs. The distance indeed made one heart grow fonder, and as it happened, Cain expressed his own longing for Nabs to hear.

    “Also I was really disappointed to not be by your side as you fight off the Primal Beast that gave you that wretched curse …” Cain’s voice trailed off a bit, then he got back to his usual clarity. “By then, I can no longer stop thinking of you, Nabs.”

    The more he went on, the more Nabs’ face went as red as tomato. Cain eventually paused to pinch on Nabs’ nose.

    “Ouch What was that for I’m listening, you know”

    “Sorry, sorry. You’re just too adorable, I can’t resist.” Cain grinned.

    It was like the weight had gone from his back, but at the same time, his resolution remained strong and true.

    “Still, I won’t force you on anything, Nabs,” he settled with a shrug. “If you still want more time to move on, or you’d want to turn me down right away, then so be it.”

    A comfortable pause lingered in the air, as Nabs quietly proceeded and nodded to herself. Time, after all, something Cain could give her. There was no rush. There was no deadline. Sky’s limitless, and he knew Nabs wouldn’t betray his trust.

    “I’ll … consider it, then, Cain.”

    The answer was like both a letdown but also a ray of hope. He must have made a face that Nabs looked apologetic about, but Cain ended up tipping his hat low to hide his eyes.

    “You’ll … consider” Cain repeated.

    “I will.” Nabs affirmed it for him, and it warmed his heart.

    Yes, it was enough for now. More than enough. Firstly, he was able to give his own gift, then he was able to enjoy a quiet moment with her and bare his heart, and now he was granted a chance.

    “I guess this means now I have a new year's resolution,” Nabs said with a soft smile. “That is, to answer Cain's confession.”

    Yes, Cain nodded to Nabs’ own conviction. This is enough, for now.

    -- Part 1 END --
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