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    We both horny, what more can I say?

    ☆quiet follow Send AirSkeb request Yell with Emoji 💖 👍 🎉 😍
    POIPOI 14


    ☆quiet follow

    MalCambo 5

    Mal x Kemboja (Ancient time)It was at the time when Mal’s name were not ‘Mal’. It was not Malaya, nor Johor, nor Melaka. It was when he was still kingdomless. Where he still nameless.

    Although he was not embodiment of a kingdom. He was not deserted or alone. In fact, he’s been taking care by the other ancient kingdom. The four prominent one is Langkasuka, Kedah Tua, Chi Thu, and Gangganegara. Due to his late growth and inexperienced, they all nicknamed him ‘Si Kecil’ despite him living longer than them. Not to mention his body still look like a child.

    Because he didn’t represent any kingdom like all his caretakers did, he enjoyed walking and roaming all around without a care with his beloved Malayan tiger companion, Belang. From North to South, from West to East. ‘Boundary’ was inexistence.

    He met all kind of people and creatures along his way. And if he’s lucky, he would meet a fellow ‘creature’ like him. The local at his place would call it ‘Penjaga’.

    Most of Penjaga he met when he’s travelling and few comes to his place himself. One of them that leaving a long impression on him is none other than son of a prosperous kingdom across the sea, Khmer. Descendants of a famous kingdom, Funan.

    When he saw the prodigy of Khmer arrived at the shore of the beach at his place, he was caught in surprised and were left confused wondering what to do. So he just stood there, watching as the people unloading their stuff from the ships, with Belang by his sides.

    But of course, Si Kecil presence would not go unnoticed. Shortly after, the prodigy noticed him standing there. Si Kecil were flustered and unsure what to do, so he just stood in place when the prodigy approached him.

    The prodigy introduced himself and explained that he was here to build a kingdom under the command of his mentor, who were also his beloved mother. The prodigy asked whether he own the lands here. Due to the fact his is kingdomless, he shook his head, claiming he didn’t own any part of the land despite living there.

    The prodigy let out a sigh of relief. He glad he would not have to resort to any conflict. With this, they properly introduced themselves and begin to form a new friendship.

    Soon after, they grew closer. The prodigy would sometimes visit his place to oversee see the kingdom and when he had a free time he would play with Si Kecil along with Belang. It was unclear when and how, but at some point Si Kecil would call the prodigy as Kemboja. The prodigy were weird at first, wondering the colouration between him and that said flower. But he’s just go along with Si Kecil antique.


    One day, Si Kecil went on his journey as usual, but this time he thought that he want to pay Kemboja a visit. He thinks it will be nice this time it was his turn to go to his place.

    So he called out his tiger companion and set off to the north. Takes a few stops meeting his caretaker and some small villages along the way.

    After had spent few days travelling, he finally reached his destination. He was in awe looking at the kingdom, the city was bustling with people and there were so many huge temples with amazing sculptures. It was really a sight to see.

    He wants to start to search for his beloved friend Kemboja but alas due to the long journey he decided to have a rest by the tree away from the crowded city. He will continue his search once he had a proper rest.

    Basking with sunlight that escapes through the gaps of leaves and the sounds of birds singing makes Si Kecil and Belang almost doze off. It was really relaxing and rewarding after spent days of walking. Then suddenly he hears a voice from afar. A familiar voice.

    He gets up and take a peek at the source of the voice. His eyes widened and let out a small gasps. From afar, he finally could see Kemboja. Si Kecil run as he excited to meet him but immediately stops his track when he saw that Kemboja talking with other group of people. It seems important, perhaps Kemboja was busy doing his job right now.

    Belang senses that his companion uneasy feelings and stood beside him. Nudging its head as if asking, “what’s wrong”.

    Si Kecil noticed this and pat his friend's head. “He… seems busy. I think I come at the wrong time.” Si Kecil speak as if he can telepathically understand what Belang saying.

    He took another glance at Kemboja and saw his majestically working, managing his people. The light from the sun grace itself to Kemboja body, reflecting it lights at the golden jewellery that he wears, making him more radiant than he already is. While Si Kecil just stood and hiding under the shadow. Watching his Kemboja from afar.

    “I think we should leave. We shouldn’t bother him while his working.” Si Kecil said to Belang.

    Belang tilted his head as he was confused by his companion sudden behaviour. From the start of the journey, Si Kecil was full of determination to meet his friends, but now that he right in front of him, he decides to go back.

    “I-i know…” Si Kecil response. He grips both of his hand on the fur of his tiger friend. Biting his lips. Eyebrow furrowed.

    He doesn’t know why he acted like this. Something forming inside of him, and he doesn’t know what it is. All his know right now, he doesn’t want to meet his beloved friend. He felt… ashamed. His grip tightened and tears slowly starts to form. Why he’s feel like this What is wrong with him

    “C’mon let’s go.” He ushers Belang as both of them taking leave. He felt if he stays longer, those feelings will get worse.

    Just as he takes a few steps, he saw two adult male right in front of him. By the way of their dress and the weapon they're holding, they must be the guard. Si Kecil was stunned as he doesn’t know what to do. He didn’t do anything wrong, did he

    “You there, please come with us.” One of the soldiers speaks. Their voice sounds firm. Si Kecil still in shocked, wondering what he's done wrong.

    His partner nudge him to just make a run from it, but he shook his head. He whispers, “No, that only makes it worse. I don’t want to cause trouble in Kemboja place.”

    And so Si Kecil and Belang obliged and follow those soldiers. When they make way back to the middle of the city, Si Kecil immediately spots his dear friend approaching him. Si Kecil was so flustered and shocked at Kemboja sudden appearance.

    “Why you just stand from afar and didn’t come to greet me” Kemboja ask. His voice were clear and strong. It really shows his leader and confidence just by his voice alone. As expected from the prodigy of the great Khmer.

    Si Kecil were still flustered by the sudden meeting. He keeps looking down, eyes wandering around as if looking for an answer. How did he know that he was there Was his presence that obvious Both of his hands gripping hard at the hem of his cloth. Never did he thought meeting his friends could be this so nervous.

    “I-i was just about to leave…” Si Kecil reply softly. Unsure at his own answer.

    “Leave But we’re just met.” Kemboja getting weird at his dear friend weird behaviour. He pauses for a moment and ask another question. “Why didn’t you tell me beforehand that you were coming I would’ve personally welcomed you.”

    Si Kecil immediately shook his head. “I-i was planning to surprise you…” he paused for a moment unsure to continue, “…but it seems I came at the wrong time. Y-you look busy… so I should leave now. I’m sorry to bother you.”

    Si Kecil quickly take a step to leave, but suddenly his hand were grabbed by none other than Kemboja himself. Si Kecil was shocked and flustered again. Kemboja expressions look sour. He really don’t know why his friends want to leave so soon despite him just arrived. Si Kecil gently try to break free as his still flustered, and it seems he made his friends unhappy. Oh, how stupid he feels right now.

    “Come with me” Kemboja pull Si Kecil’s hand, gesturing to follow him. It’s not a harsh pull but the firm of his grips can be felt. Kemboja definitely pissed. Si Kecil could only follow his friends without protests, afraid that it would anger his friends more.


    The landscape of the garden were a sight to see. The colourful tropical flowers were blooming beautifully at every corner. Butterflies dancing around the flower trying to find its food.

    There in the corner of the garden lies a wooden wide bench under a tree. It was a perfect spot to sit and enjoy the view. The maids were busy preparing foods for their prince and his friends. When it’s all done, Kemboja dismiss the maids and focus on entertaining his friend.

    Si Kecil could only just sit awkwardly while Belang lay besides him. He’s the only one that enjoy all the treatment.

    “So, why you decide to leave so soon Is there anything happened that I’m not aware of while you're here” Kemboja asked as his friend sit timidly beside him. Si Kecil shook his head lightly. Kemboja pause for a moment and ask another question. “Did somebody bothers you” He asked in a serious tone and his eyebrows furrowed. Angry if that were true.

    Si Kecil shook his head violently, denying that ever happened. “No, no, nothing bad happened.” He replies with a little bit of shaky voice. This makes Kemboja even more confused. What caused his friend sudden behaviour “I- I really think I should go. You said before that your neighbouring brother often comes to visit. So I better go-“ just as he about to gets up


    “Why are you running away from me” Kemboja grab his hand again, stopping him from leaving. “You’re not telling me the whole truth.” Kemboja said with hurtful expression. Si Kecil noticed this and he himself hurts too.

    “I…” Si Kecil lost for words. He himself don’t know what’s wrong with him. As he lost in a thought, he felt his hand were pulled and lost his balance. Next thing he knew, he was sitting really close with Kemboja at his back. Both of Kemboja hands wrapping around Si Kecil’s body holding him close leaving no gap between them. Locking him in place.

    “Now you won’t escape until you tell me the truth.” Kemboja said in low tone voice, but the seriousness can be felt. Si Kecil growing flustered again, leaving his mouth agape from the sudden move.

    “K-kemboja let me go. Your brothers might come soon”

    “So what if they come You’re my guest now I can entertain them later now all of my attention is on you”

    Si Kecil were shocked at Kemboja’s words. He’s completely loss. He doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t know what to say. He’s thinking really hard what to answer, but none of the word comes out. There’s a silence for a moment, and soon Kemboja can feel a water droplet on one of his arms. It was Si Kecil crying.

    “W-why are you crying Was I being too harsh I’m sorry” He’s completely caught off guard. He tries his best to calm down his friends, he didn’t mean to hurt him.

    “I don’t know… I don’t know why I’m feeling like this. I’m sorry.” Si Kecil weeps. Kemboja felt sorry and guilty. He wipes the tears running down on Si Kecil’s cheeks.

    “No. I’m the one who should apologise, I shouldn’t push you.” Kemboja continues to wipe the tears, “It’s just… when you try so hard to get away from me, I felt hurt. You used to be happy whenever we met. You must have your own reasons. I’m sorry.”

    “No, you didn’t do anything wrong.” Si Kecil answer with a shaky voice. He felt a bit better when Kemboja calm him down. “I don’t know why, but when I see you at your place working, it felt so… distance.”

    “What do you mean by that” Kemboja asked. Genuinely confused. Si Kecil shook his head.

    “I don’t know. You seem so cool and and you’re going to inherit this kingdom. While I myself don’t know what’s going to happen. All I do was playing around. Langkasuka said that I will have my own kingdom but… I don’t know any more. I felt I’m not worthy to be your friend.” Without Si Kecil realised, he already blurted out all of his thoughts. He continues to cry again and tears keeps falling one after another.

    Kemboja was stunned at his friend's confession. He felt a pang of sadness inside of him. He pulls Si Kecil closer, embracing him tightly.

    “You fool, you’re thinking too much.” Kemboja pats Si Kecil’s head gently. “You’re still my friend no matter what, and I cherish our friendship. Please stop thinking like that again.” He pleads to his friend. He felt sad that his friend were somewhat felt lesser than him. He really treasures him, he does.

    “I don’t know how to fully convince you, but I promise from the bottom of my heart that you are my precious friend. Nothing less.” Kemboja affirmed his friend. Si Kecil sobbed and buried his face on Kemboja’s chest. His tears and sobbing had calmed down.

    “I’m sorry, it suddenly turns out like this.” Si Kecil sobs.

    “It’s alright, I’m glad you can tell me your problem. That’s what friends do.” Kemboja reassure. Si Kecil pulls his head back and wipe his tears. Kemboja also helps him.

    “I promise until you had your own kingdom I will protect you.” Kemboja swore. “So please, come play with me without any hesitation.” Si Kecil surprised at Kemboja words. He throws himself to Kemboja and hug him tightly. He truly appreciates that he was his friend. Kemboja caught off guard by the sudden embrace but sigh in relief and return the hug.

    “Promise me you wouldn’t run away again”

    Si Kecil nods. Promising that he won’t do it again. Kemboja chuckles, glad that his friend were all better now.

    “Let’s eat and play after this.” Kemboja suggest with a smile and Si Kecil nod. Happily comply.

    And so they happily continue their day. Belang who was relaxing there all this time was unbothered. He just happy that the scene unfold right before him turns out well.

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