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    ☆quiet follow Send AirSkeb request Yell with Emoji 💖 👍 🎉 😍
    POIPOI 4


    ☆quiet follow

    P1 eng
    who 1: Miss Edelgard, is it your husband who will pick you up from work today?
    El: ……
    El: Yes… but is'wife'
    who 2: stupid!!! you are wrong!
    who 1: so…sorry!!!

    エデレス 現paro服塗鴉合集(*´꒳`*)
    p2-3 去遊樂場玩的edeleth
    p4 eibgard漫畫練習/////
    p5 想畫魅魔老師來著,但一點也不魅魔wwww


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