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    ☆quiet follow Yell with Emoji 💖 👍 🎉 😍
    POIPOI 74


    ☆quiet follow

    Title: Pescatore
    Coupling: None
    Higuruma Hiromi and Shimizu
    From the Twitter tag #ひろみせんせの少し不憫な日常

    Pescatore Higuruma Hiromi looks in the mirror while shaving in the washroom at work.
     There is a large pimple on the bridge of his nose.
     He feels a little embarrassed, even though he is in his mid-thirties.

     As he brush my teeth, my mouth sinks.
     He had been taking good care of myself for my health, but I seemed to have developed two mouth ulcers at the same time.
     After all, staying up all night is not good.

     After getting ready, he went to the convenience store.
     Thinking about the mouth ulcers, he bought a jelly drink for breakfast and returned to the office.
     While he were out, Shimizu came to work and greeted me in a loud and cheerful voice.

    "Higuruma-san, good morning"
    "Nn, good morning."
    "We'll be leaving in a little while"
    "Yeah, take care of the driving."

     Today, Shimizu is driving they to a seaside town for a hearing.
     Higuruma is on his third day of work, so he can't let him drive.

     Upon arrival, work is over quickly.
     They decided to have lunch, but Shimizu had done her work and started her presentation to Higuruma.

    "Higuruma-san, there is a restaurant that serves a great pescatoria. Why don't we go there"

     Thinking of his mouth ulcers, Higuruma had planned a gentle lunch menu, but Shimizu's enthusiasm pushes one into a frown and he agrees.

     The restaurant was reasonably crowded.
     They were guided to a terrace table and chose a menu.

     Higuruma calls out for the waiter, but he is not noticed.
     Shimizu, unable to see him, shouts loudly and calls the waiter to order.

     The pescatore arrives, a tomato sauce flavored pescatore with seafood in abundance.
     It has a strong and authentic flavor, but Higuruma, who has mouth ulcers, is unable to enjoy it.

     He glanced at Shimizu, who was enjoying the dish with relish, with a little bit of resentment, and picked up the baguette that was served with the dish.
     At that moment, a seagull flies in, snatches the baguette from Higuruma's hand, and runs away.

     He froze, looked at Shimizu, and saw that Shimizu was choking back laughter.

     ...They, Shimizu is driving back, too.
     There was no need to go back to the office today.
     Shimizu offered to give me a ride, so he asked her to take me to a convenience store near her home.

     Higuruma was almost asleep in the passenger seat when Shimizu, who was driving, asked him.

    "Higuruma-san, are you around here"
    "I'm going to take a right there, and then a left."
    "I can't..."

     A convenience store could be seen in the direction of the left turn.
     Shimizu stopped the car there.

    "Is it okay here"
    "Yes, I'm sorry. Thanks."
    "...I feel a pitiable person for Higuruma-san..."
    "...Really ...Thanks for driving me today."
    "No, thank you for your hard work"

     After getting out of the car, Higuruma buys dinner and beer at a convenience store and retraces his steps toward home.
     On the way, he is pulled over by a police officer, probably looking terrible tired after an all-nighter.

     Higuruma lets out a sigh as he produces his lawyer's business card, "It's hard way, to go home".
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