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    ☆quiet follow Yell with Emoji 💖 👏 🍋 🍙
    POIPOI 15


    ☆quiet follow

    Friday Night Funkin-vs.Ethenのセリフを和訳してみた!ちょっと変な訳になってるとこもあるけど雰囲気で読んで下さい!

    Friday Night Funkin-vs.Ethenのセリフを和訳概要

    Did…Did you guys just rise up the ladder like an elevator-
    Well it appears you’ve made it up to the yacht

    Beep bop da

    Ah yes,and as I had expected…
    You’re eager for a rap I correct

    Boop skee

    That works perfectly then
    After all,a fun little rap battle is why I brought you here in the first place.
    Let’s start off slow,shall we i’m not exactly the most used to this.

    Beep boop


    You’re pretty good at this As if it wasn’t clear from your previous battles with others.
    Though I do think I ‘m getting the hang of it already, wouldn’t you say

    Skeep boo

    You ready to start the next song with me I did enjoy myself a lot with that first song, so I’m quite amped up

    Beep beep

    Now thats the spirit
    How about we start up the next song
    Girlfriend, would you be kind enougt to start up the nex-

    Your uh…Partner over there seems a little out of it, is she alright She looks confused.

    Skee bee bop Beep

    Oh you're right How could i have forgotten You two must be so lost as to why you're even here.
    (あ!そうだったんですか!?どうして忘れていたんだろう?あなたたち2人は なぜここにいるのか 分からなくなってるんでしょうね)
    You see, I’ve been watching over you Boyfriend. Your battles interest me. as they’re a form of combat I don’t see often.
    Even though it isn’t exactly the most effective way for most to get out of a situation, you seem to know exactly how to use your talents when conflict arises.
    Hence why I brought you here, I want to learn how to do the same by rapping with you
    I’m always interested in learning new ways to approach situations.

    Bop Bee

    There isn’t a reason to alarmed Boyfriend,I have no intent to harm you or your girlfriend over there.
    These rap battles are for fun and nothing more
    So how about we have fun

    Ska doo Beep


    Well that was certainly exciting
    I believe I’ve gotten a good understanding of how this rapping thing goes as well.
    Mind if I take it up a notch this next song

    Boo beep ba

    I’m quite glad to see you’re excited about all this Boyfriend.

    Beep ba boo beep

    Hm, you wish to know how I knew and Girlfriend’s name
    From people’s names to your escapades, I simply see all things…
    I’m the God of the Omniverse after all.


    This isn’t a joke at all Boyfriend.
    I control all realities, the entire omniverse.
    I can do basically anything I desire, though I’m not exactly going to be 100% perfect at it all.
    For example rapping, I needed your help to get a better understanding of that.

    Beep skee

    That would be correct. Being God does mean I indeed have limitless power.

    Beep Beep boo

    Well you seem quite ecstatic to start our next song. Especially after learning what I just informed you on.
    No point in delaying, I’m ready whenever you are.

    Oh no…

    Beep ba sooo

    I may have let out a tad too much power in that previous song. That vortex behind us has shifted into an anomalous black hole.
    lt seems we can’t exactly get you back home until that black hole is neutralized, it wouldn’t be safe for you…
    Perhaps another song would help. Not only to pass time, but to get rid of this problem we have as well. Wouldn’t you agree

    Bee beep ske boop

    Just as I thought, you’d never turn down an offer like that.
    I’m going to need to exert an even greater amount of power to get rid of that black hole…
    So my condolences if you can’t keep up this time.


    So are you ready to partake in a melody so powerful it’ll be heard by the whole universe

    Skeelop boop beep

    Let’s get started then, shall we

    【最後の曲 BLACK-HOLE】
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