MegumitheGreat @MegumitheGreat Just a place to put spicier stuff when sharing on Twitter ☆quiet follow Yell with Emoji POIPOI 9
MegumitheGreatDONEWeAreOne MegumitheGreatDONEAllure of an incision that becomes much more MegumitheGreatDOODLE🐦: 「リンドウ?」🐉:「ん...うぅぅ...ふ...」 MegumitheGreatDONEFollow to the place between UG and RG MegumitheGreatDONESo many fragmented feelings MegumitheGreatTRAININGハヅリン 🐦🐉「すごいよ、リンドウ」 MegumitheGreatSPUR MEI was writing smut, found a cute kitten video, and imagined Rindo as the kitten and Hazuki petting him. MegumitheGreatTRAININGFound a really nice base and used it for practice for HazRindo: do not repost anywhere MegumitheGreatDOODLEHazRindo R18 practiceFirst upload, please do not share/repost prohibited 1