ALL PSRK1Z_art sanhora fashion ultra crossover misc 僕 kizlaurantDOODLENightmare of Horus x Gods at DuskBased on designs by the brand ChunLu kizlaurantDOODLEcoord info kizlaurantDOODLEBased on existing design, but I don't know which brand it actually is. Shoes from 麦麦De小鞋铺 kizlaurantCAN’T MAKEDressed based on Bloody Flower by Cat Highness kizlaurantDONEDress: kizlaurantCAN’T MAKE 4 kizlaurantCAN’T MAKEBeen a while since I did an ultra lolita! I'm fond of this dress, but I don't think it would look nice on me personally 1