1hys12DOODLEIt's artwork did for Unsatiated last year!!!!Ir's R18!!!! 35 1hys12DOODLE 4 1hys12DOODLEMEMORIAL : EN PREVIEW 15 1hys12DOODLE*Please read from Right to Left*After page 10, the pages are roughly rendered.*It's a rough comic draft please don't look at it too seriously .. :')) 15 1hys12DOODLE 3 1hys12DOODLELOL 5 1hys12DOODLE 7 1hys12DOODLE 2 1hys12DOODLE 6 1hys12DOODLE 2 1hys12DOODLE 2 1hys12DOODLE 28 1hys12DOODLEnu:c 2 1hys12DOODLE 2 1hys12DOODLER18 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2 1hys12DOODLEhttps://twitter.com/1hys12/status/1481847558440108033 3 1hys12DONE 2 1hys12DONE 2 1hys12DONE 5 1hys12DONEDon't look at me 2 1hys12DONEBeware of:3P (Threesome) (2D+1C)and Chuuya getting railed that's all 4 1hys12DONE⚠️R18! ! ! ! 4 1hys12DONE⚠️🍆 and 💦 warning,,It's very NSFW please be cautious.. Don't view this in public please don't incriminate yourself 3 1hys12DONE 1hys12DONEDo NOT save or share.不要存或分享。 2 1hys12DONE 1hys12DONEr18 3 1hys12DONE 1hys12DONE 3 1hys12DONER-18最后一页没翻译对不起啊啊*漫画是继续一下上一次画的图画 (https://1hys12.lofter.com/post/4b818db4_1cc525c87)私人分享OK!请不要在别的地方分享哦 12 1hys12DONEA short comic based off this art I did a while back..!https://twitter.com/1hys12/status/1408151048326246401Please take a note of the warnings on P1! 12 1hys12DONE 6 1hys12MAIKINGfsfSxsdcsdcef 1hys12MEMODetails for Everlasting, an eternity with you. 7 1hys12DONER-18中文里性交词汇真的很无知,如果古怪真的非常道歉。。! 13 1hys12DONEPlease read the notes on p1..!The story might seem similar since it was mentioned roughly before in a twitter post..!Thank you so much for viewing m(_ _)m!! I'm sorry if it's poorly done T___T;; 14 1hys12DONEdon't look at me 1hys12DONE 2 1hys12DONEschool paro 6 1