DOODLEFlynn being the third wheel to WalterJona's antics along their journey (either intentionally or not) was always how I imagined those scenes play out LOLFrom October 2024
DONESMT1の説明書(PS版)パロWanted to make an homage to Kaneko's iconic SMT1 Playstation manual illustration with the SMT4 Samurai Squad, complete with a "scanned-like" quality.
from June 2023
DONEWanted to make a Walter-Lucifer design like how previous SMT games had unique Alignment Character designs when they fused with a demon.My favorite part was drawing his wings!
from May 2023 3
TRAININGKiyoharu (Jonathan's past incarnation) has always caught my eye!Despite Kiyoharu being depicted as an old man, I wanted to draw him younger with the Counter-Demon Force uniform.
from April 2023
REHABILIWalter's initial concept design from the SMT4 artbook is really appealing... I love the scars!It'll always be amusing how the staff initially wanted him to be more unhinged LOL
from December 2022
TRAININGChibi practice.I really enjoy drawing Walter holding a sword, even in chibi form!⚔️
from December 2022 3