DOODLEcw: a grown snake man eats a mouse idk what more to tell youpairing: yakuei with traces of kuyaei, general polycule setting 6276
DONEHimefuji drabbleA short drabble as an intro to my in progress yumeart
Supporting pic:
Laying on the LeavesIt’s autumn season,
Red, orange, and yellow leaves were everywhere, coloring every scene everyone can see. Leaves are falling from their trees, covering the yard. Unfortunately, the leaves had piled up too thick and had to be cleaned. Every toudans were assigned with their job to clean the Honmaru, including Fuji a 14 years old girl who was taking care of Honmaru.
3056Red, orange, and yellow leaves were everywhere, coloring every scene everyone can see. Leaves are falling from their trees, covering the yard. Unfortunately, the leaves had piled up too thick and had to be cleaned. Every toudans were assigned with their job to clean the Honmaru, including Fuji a 14 years old girl who was taking care of Honmaru.
DONEPocky Day HimeFujiquick Commisioned by @LuqLouvell
Fuji is 18 y.o saniwa in this story
Pocky Day"Aruji, what is it that you eat”
“Mm Ah… Hime-san, good afternoon.” Fuji smiled. “This is pocky, a kind of chocolate snack… Do you want some”
"Mmm, No…” he grunted. “More importantly, I need your help.”
“What is it” Fuji asked worriedly.
“It’s about the mission… I will explain…”
Then they spent several minutes discussing the problem for the mission. The pocky was left on the floor, forgotten.
2985“Mm Ah… Hime-san, good afternoon.” Fuji smiled. “This is pocky, a kind of chocolate snack… Do you want some”
"Mmm, No…” he grunted. “More importantly, I need your help.”
“What is it” Fuji asked worriedly.
“It’s about the mission… I will explain…”
Then they spent several minutes discussing the problem for the mission. The pocky was left on the floor, forgotten.
DONEEbenxMiyo drabble (ID)teruntuk miyo yang sudah kelar semua ujian hehe
maaf kalo ooc/tidak sesuai ekspektasi XD 3247
DONESARooi drabbleCommissioned by @LuqLouvell
Being Sick is Annoying“I swear I wasn’t this sick this morning.”
“Yeah. This morning. Just rest, Doctor.”
“I hate being sick.”
“Nobody likes being sick. It just happened. You just need to rest.”
Rooi let out a big sigh.
“I wanna eat ice cream.”
“I will bring you one later when you are no longer sick.”
“You are so infuriating, Encio. Why can’t you a be little sweeter I am sick”
2242“Yeah. This morning. Just rest, Doctor.”
“I hate being sick.”
“Nobody likes being sick. It just happened. You just need to rest.”
Rooi let out a big sigh.
“I wanna eat ice cream.”
“I will bring you one later when you are no longer sick.”
“You are so infuriating, Encio. Why can’t you a be little sweeter I am sick”
DONESAPhanRooi fanficCommissioned by @LuqLouvell
Thank you for the fanfic! :D
A Chair and A Map (SilverAsh x Rooi x Phantom)“Well… this is new.” Said SilverAsh as he walked into the room while Rooi and Phantom was getting comfortable. Rooi sitting on Phantom’s lap and the other nuzzling her neck while his hand circling around her waist. “I don’t know you are into exhibitionist Doctor.”
“Shut up Encio. We weren’t doing anything weird here, I am just tired and a little bit cold, so Phantom offered his lap for me to sit on.”
3404“Shut up Encio. We weren’t doing anything weird here, I am just tired and a little bit cold, so Phantom offered his lap for me to sit on.”
DONESARooi Lokal Sekolah AU drabble (ID)Disclaimer: Might OOC
Sorry for bad writting
KencanPukul 3:30 siang, jam pulang sekolah diiringi oleh bel sekolah yang nyaring bunyinya. DI luar sekolah cuaca mendung, tidak panas maupun tidka dingin, tapi dari warna awannya saja mungkin hujan akan turun dalm waktu yang tidak lama. Enciodes yang sekarang kelas 3 SMA, berjalan menuju kelas 2 SMA dan menunggu di dekat pintu kelas tersebut sambil bermain HP.