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    Sorry, I am American! My written works are in English. I cannot speak Japanese.


    🔞 腐ったアダルトコンテンツと妄想、BL、下品なジョーク。夢主(OC)の内容も好きです。夢絵にご期待ください。

    ☆quiet follow Yell with Emoji 💖 👍 🎉 😍
    POIPOI 34


    ☆quiet follow

    Contents: Internalized homophobia, self-realization, crushing, Unryu being a malewife


    Aquarium Trip (Livingstill x Unryu)A research trip is what Dr. Livingstill called it since General Yamazaki refused to waste precious research funds or his time on test animals.

    Exotic test animals, for that matter. Yamazaki clarified that, but Livingstill sometimes liked to bend to the truth around others and leave that part out.

    In short, the scientist wanted to learn the properties of how aquatic life forms such as fish would react living in pools or lakes of liquefied humans. While Unryu didn’t exactly approve of the precious blood of his deity being tainted with fish, he would definitely humor the doctor and visit an aquarium with him so he could take notes.

    Although, that was all an excuse to see the penguins. Unryu absolutely adored penguins as he did with all birds, and the penguin exhibit just happened to be the most popular at this aquarium

    Livingstill had been rambling about sharks and piranhas hypothetically feeding on the liquefied humans as they swam inside. Unryu had been completely ignoring him this whole time, refusing to engage in anything related to science. He may have mentioned something about deep sea creatures also.

    Unryu’s eyes remained glued on the penguin exhibit. All of them had cute little signs that informed visitors which penguin had been good during the month and who had been naughty.

    The nice penguin of the month was Coco, a male penguin that had recently become a papa to a rejected egg and was proving to be an excellent role model. The naughty penguin of the month was Gumi, who kept evading the keepers and throwing fish.

    Too adorable. At his age, Unryu knew he had to retain a certain level of maturity so he tried his best not to squeal in delight, looking at all the updates and descriptions for the aquatic birds—


    He squints, making sure he was reading that right. Apparently, Coco was ‘married’ to a penguin named Mochi, that was listed as male.

    That couldn’t be right, could it Unryu took a closer look. The two males had adopted an egg rejected by a female, according to the descriptions.

    No, this couldn’t be right, could it There had to be an explanation. He spins around, turning to the rambling Dr. Livingstill.

    “Doctor” Unryu stammers. “Explain something to me What is the meaning of this”

    Livingstill sighs, knowing the priest didn’t hear anything from him. “What The penguin exhibit You love birds, don’t you Or are you upset that they aren’t in their natural habitat You know rescues can’t always return—”

    “Not that, I mean this” Unryu grabs his arm and forcibly makes Livingstill read the description. “Look, right here Do you see the problem”

    He pauses to read and then laughs.

    “What You’re freaking out over this”

    “It’s unnatural You’re a scientist, aren’t you Surely you can explain this”

    Rolling his good eye, Livingstill brushes Unryu’s hand off of his arm. “It speaks for itself, doesn’t it The ratio of males to females is probably a little ways off or the males are just naturally attracted to each other. There are many species of birds that engage in homosexual behavior, you know”


    Unryu’s denial is amusing. Time to destroy it with facts and logic.

    “Birds such as swans, ducks, pigeons, vultures, flamingos, and many others have been witnessed partaking in same-sex relations. It’s the same with other warm-blooded animals, such as dolphins, lions, and primates. We, humans, are no exception, of course.”

    “What about you”

    Dr. Livingstill furrows his brow at this question. “I’m not sure what you are implying, but I am human and I am attracted to both men and women. They fascinate me.”

    Fascinate… the way he said that made it sound like Livingstill viewed them as subjects to be studied rather than partners, like how birds paired for life.

    “But why They cannot continue their bloodlines if they unite with one of the same sex” Unryu nearly bit his tongue trying to turn his thoughts into words. “It goes against what nature has set up”

    “Who knows for certain Why does it matter Why is anyone attracted to anything Surely it must be beyond basic things such as instinct and pheromones.” Livingstill smirks and stares down at him. “You know, priest, homosexuality, and bisexuality exist in thousands of species, but irrational fear— homophobia, only exists in one.”

    Unryu isn’t how to feel confronted with that information. He is definitely afraid, but perhaps not for the reasons one would assume.

    “At any rate, lighten up. We aren’t in the old century.” He gives Unryu one last self-satisfied grin. “You know, with the way this situation appears, people are going to think you are out on an aquarium date with me. So I hope you get used to homosexuality existing.”

    Unryu puffs his chest and blushes, the doctor had successfully ruffled his feathers. He pouts, watching the scientist chuckle to himself and leave to study the octopi. The cheek of this man, acting as if he knew more about birds than the priest did.

    … still, if all of this was true, which it probably was, then Unryu had some hefty reconsidering to do. He worshipped birds as if they were above humans. To love unconditionally, regardless of one’s gender…

    Perhaps his previous religious beliefs were incorrect. Yes, he needed to fix that But how

    His eyes lay upon the gift shop.


    Dr. Livingstill eventually finds himself in the fossil exhibit, fascinated by the skeletons of various fish. That’s when Unryu returns with…

    … an oversized, stuffed penguin plushie. As well as a small gift bag.

    “Don’t you think you’re a bit old for stuffed animals”

    “No,” Unryu snaps back. “Furthermore, here. This is for you. An apology for earlier, and a token of our partnership”

    Confused, Dr. Livingstill takes the bag and rummages inside, finding a smooth, green fluorite stone inside.

    He’s dumbfounded.

    “Why did you buy me one of those gift shop rocks” Livingstill asks.

    “A symbol of our eternal partnership The smoothest pebble I could find” Unryu squawks.

    Why would—


    “Very sweet and charming of you, priest.” Livingstill thanks him, making Unryu completely giddy. “I’ll make sure to add to my ‘nest’ when we return to the facility.”

    He supposes it would make a pretty paperweight.
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