ALL Seattle twatryoshkaDONEblowkiss 😘 2 twatryoshkaDONE 2 twatryoshkaPASTThat shower scene be like... twatryoshkaTIREDsome handshakey bois 2 twatryoshkaPASTnew reaction image 2 twatryoshkaTIREDlink feeding rhett strawberries 2 twatryoshkaTRAININGWill It Jack-O-Lantern? twatryoshkaDONE 2 twatryoshkaDONE 7 twatryoshkaDONEMonokronyet - a parody of Momokurobu but with monkeys. (Monyet monokrom) twatryoshkaDONEshoutout to one of my fav podcasts and the absolute queens running it twatryoshkaDONEdey h*ld*ng h*ndsFrom LTAT: Recreating Rhett's First Kiss twatryoshkaDONE twatryoshkaDOODLEanother Metalocalypse x SU comic 11 twatryoshkaDOODLEJan 16 twatryoshkaDONEEveryone sat on the sofa like normal people. And then theres Albert. twatryoshkaDOODLEmaking fun of their names & birth months once again 4 twatryoshkaDONEbased on their fake Seventeen magazine cover twatryoshkaDOODLEThe Strokes finally got their customized Wonder shirts twatryoshkaDOODLE 4 twatryoshkaDOODLE3 short strokes comics julian should be a meme after popping fab/birb fab 3 twatryoshkaDOODLENiko's surprise birthday cake twatryoshkaDOODLETIS NIKOLAITHE FRENCHIEST FRY 4 twatryoshkaDOODLEStrokes + wives (and a lonely Fabu-kun) 2 twatryoshkaDOODLEWhen someone else has the same name as you FAB ACTUALLY COLLABORATED WITH THE OTHER FABRIZIO MORETTI & MADE AN ART EXHIBIT AAAA twatryoshkaDOODLEbecause once every year there comes a time when julian becomes king julien twatryoshkaDOODLE twatryoshkaDOODLEthat running gag with throwing the mic stand stand:Julian: *Y E E T* twatryoshkaDOODLE"don't ruin my summer", he said. twatryoshkaDOODLEthe strokes + zodiac signs + elements 2 twatryoshkaDOODLEplot twist: Fab just has guitar envybased on this vine 3 twatryoshkaDOODLENikochu Fraichu twatryoshkaDOODLEoh dont mind me here have some cuddly chibi Strokes for no’s been a mental inside joke to me that Fab constantly pops up from underground. twatryoshkaDOODLEidk who in the fandom started the inside joke that Fab is a bird 6 twatryoshkaDOODLEThe Strokes as Avengers 2 twatryoshkaDOODLEHow To train Your Strokes: Portrait Of Julian As a Buff Young Man(yes based on that HTTYD: Riders of Berk episode) 5 twatryoshkaDOODLEearliest Strokes doodles 7 twatryoshkaDOODLEHere, have a little 1st-Gen Digivice cupcake! The antenna is cengkeh btw, and the screen & buttons are fondant icing twatryoshkaDOODLE twatryoshkaDOODLE 6 twatryoshkaDOODLE 6 twatryoshkaDOODLEfor Sarah-The-Invaderchin 7 twatryoshkaDOODLETW: implied necrophilia twatryoshkaDOODLEturned Murderface into Melanie Martinez 2 twatryoshkaDOODLEmiscellaneous leftover steven universe doodles 4 twatryoshkaDOODLEMore SU + MTL doodles 10 twatryoshkaDOODLERegarding the bit with Skwisgaar’s panties from the last lazy doodle. now everyone has panties with their faces on them too.(tbh if i had one too i’d act just like Pickles) twatryoshkaTRAININGDethdoodles 4 56789