PROGRESSMobstocking gift for crowtoes!Comic mixing confession arc with Tam Lin (scottish folklore)
It's unfinished but eventually I'll finish it!! 5
DOODLE霊モブ 2511Mob is practicing to kiss using a plushie that looks very similar to his shishou. 3
DOODLEart trade for suin_ka on twitterI'm not happy with it but if I work on it until I am I'll be here forever orz So I hope it's okay!
DOODLEGenderswap♀️ReiMob sketchThis was the first version of the second day for #mobreimobweek2024 but I took another
I still love this sketch
CAN’T MAKEA couple of unfinished works. (I'm still thinking about the fact that I need to finish the second one) 3pilisisR
DOODLEReiMob💭(MobRei)Someone has a wet dream~
P.s. It's a pretty old work and I don't really like the way it's drawn, to be honest...