DONE吸血鬼x神父 キスまで恥ずかしいから日本語で書いてたけど、間違いがある場合は教えてくだされば幸いです❣️
また公開する予定がある場合はお知らせします 16
DONE2023/8/26追記 新刊間に合わなかったの悲しいので、11/23のエリオスオンリー(リアイベ)には出したい…2023/3/4~5ノースセクター中心Webオンリーイベント『青の街にてお茶会を』展示作品。
2023/5/3発行予定のガスレン新刊(がレン視点のため、ガスト視点も少し描きたいと思いました。短いです。 2
SPUR ME2023/08/26追記 私生活バタバタしすぎていまだなんちゃってネーム状態です…11/23のエリオスオンリーには出したい…2023/3/4~5ノースセクター中心Webオンリーイベント『青の街にてお茶会を』展示作品。
2023/5/3発行予定のガスレン新刊ダイジェスト(サンプル)両片想いすれ違いハピエンです。こういう話を描くよ…というふんわりした内容です。ペン入れしてないラフ状態になります。 9
ガスレン描き始めたのはステを見た後なので12月末からなんですが思ってたより溜まってました。 21
DONE🍃❄️ DMH3 新作②メンターリーダーをやってるガストの話。
PW:オンリー会場のお品書きに記載 7
DONEI did it, i finished a fic!! this was my first GastRen fic so it might be a ooc for some.. but i can asure you that i kept rereading stories to make sure it's not ooc and enjoyable i read!!Missing Your Presence | ガスレン / GastRenMissing Your Presence
Gast Adler x Ren Kisaragi – Helios Rising Heroes
Tags : Angst, Fluff, all that good stuff
Ren Started enjoying Gast’s presence more and more each day, but on the other hand Gast tries to talk or be around Ren for as little as possible.
It was Sunday 10 am, Ren just woke up that day, usually Gast would try to wake him up and carry him for training, but Gast lets Ren Sleep during Sundays, so it was normal. Gast was already dressed, although he buns his hair this time which was rare, "..I guess he didn’t have time to style it like usual." He was drinking coffee while reading some news, Although, Ren felt a bit off.
7809Gast Adler x Ren Kisaragi – Helios Rising Heroes
Tags : Angst, Fluff, all that good stuff
Ren Started enjoying Gast’s presence more and more each day, but on the other hand Gast tries to talk or be around Ren for as little as possible.
It was Sunday 10 am, Ren just woke up that day, usually Gast would try to wake him up and carry him for training, but Gast lets Ren Sleep during Sundays, so it was normal. Gast was already dressed, although he buns his hair this time which was rare, "..I guess he didn’t have time to style it like usual." He was drinking coffee while reading some news, Although, Ren felt a bit off.