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    ☆quiet follow Yell with Emoji 🐔
    POIPOI 194


    ☆quiet follow


    It should "overlap".

    be careful. Sheila E
    Because the tree is very tall. Be safe

    Don't worry. Trish
    This height is not a problem for me.

    That's just "one".

    Probably one ...
    Certainly one ...

    Originally, there should be "two pieces" of cloth.

    If Trish is wearing school uniform ...

    Or ...

    Sheila E
    what's wrong with you

    No, there is no problem.
    Now I get off the tree and go to the ground.


    I wonder what to think about this ...
    I've believed in the possibility that Sheila E's wearing two layers, but ...

    This "shape" behind ... I'm sure it's "one".
    So this is ...

    Trish What's wrong

    … Hey Sheila E
    I have something to ask.

    Trish ...
    Actually, I too ...

    ......【talking secretly】......
    ‥Hey, Giorno
    Didn't you just say that you have an urgent need

    Mista, you shouldn't talk to GIOGIO in that tone.
    You've skipped the job and got out of it ...
    Mista, please speak in words, not in "face".......

    Sheila E, what you're wearing is maybe ...
    No, After all it's nothing.
    So what do you want to ask me

    Um ... I want to ask Trish ...
    About Trish's chest ...

    No. I will ask you again sometime.

    Let's go back.
    It's about time Mista and Giorno start to worry

    yes, Fugo too ...

    ......【続 talking secretly】......

    Ahhhh ~
    It's boring. I'll be back too ~.
    Hey, did you still have the peach cake

    Mista, you should just go back to work
    Please prepare your car, Fugo.
    Yes GIOGIO. I will prepare as soon as possible.......

    "Mr. Polnareff and Mr. Jumbo who felt the brilliance of youth"
    Tap to full screen .Repost is prohibited

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     →いつまでもここに居る理由も無いもんなと 消えた体温を思いながら飛んでく蒲公英みる感覚 任務も生活もリズムが暫く狂ってそう
     →どこ居んだオイ あいつ何してんだ(なに捕まっちゃってんだ)バッカおい!!
     →“任務”なので配置されなければ行かない…はずだったけど、多分俺が1番わかるから俺が行く方がいいだろ で最終的に指示無視して行っちゃう 彼がいたずらに発案した可愛いパックを持って、胸にトランプ一枚いれて
