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    ☆quiet follow Send AirSkeb request Yell with Emoji 💖 👍 🎉 😍
    POIPOI 3


    ☆quiet follow


    Part 1……

    “Sorry it’s messy.” Ajax steps aside to let Zhongli enter his house. His hand feels damp and clammy, not expecting this development at all.

    Zhongli gives the room a quick scan before replying with that unperturbed calmness of his, “It’s not that messy.”

    Well, considering Ajax hires a housekeeper thrice a week, it’s to be expected. Then again, what’s with all these painful small talks

    “Um.” He starts, not sure where to start, or what Zhongli’s intention is. “Do you want tea”

    “Ah.. it’s fine. I’m not sure if you have loose leaf tea.” Right. Ajax forgot how fussy this person is. But Ajax is nothing but not well prepared.

    “I have a lot. Sensei can just choose.”

    Zhongli eyes widened before he smiled in approval. “Then I will trouble you.”

    Ajax puts down a pot of steaming hot tea on the table before took a seat beside Zhongli on the couch, watching how the older man delicately takes a sip from his cup.

    “The brewing temperature was too high.” Zhongli assesses, “but it’s not bad.”

    “Thanks.” Seriously, what does he want coming here Surely not only to judge Ajax’s hospitality skill “Sensei-”

    “I heard from Tsarita you’re going to take the double degree programme.” Zhongli said, still not looking at Ajax.

    Hm “Oh, yeah.” Did Zhongli ask madame your highness Did he check on him often with her “Waiting for my supervisor to approve it.”

    “She will.” Zhongli lets out a faint smile before setting down his cup. He turns his head to “You will be very busy then.”

    “I can do it.” Why does Zhongli sounds like he wants to dissuade him from it too Did madame your highness put him up to prevent Ajax from studying at Geo too “Sensei doesn’t have to worry. I can do anything once I put my mind into it.”

    Somehow, Zhongli’s face looks even more troubled by it.

    “I also heard from Itto that you helped him to write his thesis and study for the trial.” Hmm Sudden change of topic “On behalf of him too, I am very thankful for your help.”

    Well yeah. Not that Ajax gonna tell him that he did that to stop the cow from thirdwheeling his flirting progress.

    “It’s no problem No problem at all It was pretty easy, don’t worry about it” Ajax lied through his teeth, savoring the grateful look on Zhongli’s face. He didn’t expect Zhongli to leans forward and starts patting his head, with a smile.

    “You did very well.” Zhongli praises him. “I know best how Itto studies. It must be quite troublesome for you too.”

    Ajax laughs awkwardly. Honestly, yea, the fact that the cow managed to graduate from high school is already a mystery to Ajax. “Umm well.. you know..”

    “You didn’t have to do that much if that troubles you.” Zhongli’s tone is full of exasperation. “I am glad you did but-”

    “It’s no trouble at all.” Ajax says defensively. Why does Zhongli sounds upset to him because of this It’s also for his own flourishing love life “Besides, it’s as sensei said. He’s actually a great guy after all, haha. It’s quite pitiful if we let him keep staying as a student after so long-”

    “Do you like Itto” What


    Where did this come from

    Well that stinky Kaeya also teased him about it but that’s different, right

    “Sensei, I like human beings.”

    “Isn’t Itto human too”

    He’s still stuck at the Neadherlandal stage though.

    “Well I don’t like //him//.” Is this person that dense or what “Sensei really doesn’t know who I like”

    Silence. Then.

    “I do know.”

    Zhongli’s face gives away nothing, as calm as ever. Does he really know If he does, then Why did he behave so strangely

    “Do you really” Ajax couldn’t help but feel irked. He really couldn’t read this person at all. Maybe kaeya is right, widowers are incomprehensible creatures. “So”

    “So..” Zhongli suddenly moves to catch Ajax by the wrist and climbs Ajax’s lap, straddling him. His other hand cups Ajax’s cheek as he peers down with half lidded eyes. “It’s alright if i do this then”

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